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Lexi knew Hades was more nervous than a scarecrow at a bonfire as he walked her up the path, but he was the god of the underworld, for pity's sake. He commanded the element of fire, ruled over an entire domain, and oversaw every soul that passed through the gates, more or less. He also knew how to elicit such erotic feelings within her that it brought her to her knees, literally. He was kind, witty, attentive and flawed, which made him perfect, and Lexi felt there was nothing more she could do to prove her love other than to stay with him for eternity.

The gates opened and Thanatos greeted them with his usual impassive, humorless expression. He reminded her of a nightclub bouncer, with the exception of the wings. Truthfully, he was a hunk, but his personality left a lot to be desired.

"Good day, Thanatos," she said, ruffling his feathers on her way past.

"Is it? I hadn't noticed," was his dry response.

Lexi stepped up to him, looking directly into his handsome, stiff-jawed face. "When I return from Olympus, you and I need to have a chat about your people skills. When was the last time someone played with your ding dong?"

Thanatos cocked his head, offering his sterile version of surprise. "If by ding dong you mean my dick, then it was this morning. Can I count myself?"


"Oh. Then I do not remember how long it has been."

Lexi was unable to hold back her laughter, although she couldn't help feeling sorry for Thanatos. It was such a waste of hotness.

"It's about time you two showed up." Kade's voice bounced off the cavernous walls as he stepped out of the shadows. His chest was bare and his black, feathery wings were tucked against his back. He draped his arm affectionately over Lexi's shoulder like they were heading onto the basketball court to shoot some hoops. "Are you ready for the ride of your life?"

Hades cleared his throat. "I hope you are not forgetting our agreement, Kade. You are to act as Lexi's guide and protector. There will be no rides other than the one necessary to see her safely to Olympus."

"That is exactly what I meant, of course." The devious grin Kade offered clearly indicated he enjoyed tormenting Hades. "I'm willing to bet Lexi has never been carried through the air by a winged god before."

"Are you sure you can manage it, Kade? I think my travel bag weighs more than I do." Lexi teased him as she shrugged his arm off her shoulder. She was still mad at him.

"I have yet to come across a goddess or her accessories that I couldn't handle. Shall we?"

Kade opened his wings, stretching them out to an impressive length. Lexi had not expected him to show up without a chariot, although she probably should have. She didn't doubt his strength or ability to deliver her safely to her destination, but she didn't completely trust him to behave, and the idea of flying to Olympus in his arms triggered a nervous chill across her skin. Her hesitation had him chuckling.

"I gave my word to your lover that I would be on my best behavior throughout your stay on the mountain," Kade said, using his buttery smooth voice, the one that reminded her of Hades.

With a resigned sigh, she turned to Hades and placed a kiss on his lips. "I will send word to you as soon as I am able. I love you, my prince charming."

Hades pulled her against his chest, which smoldered with the heat from his personal furnace. "I will take nary a breath until your return."

Lexi heard Kade snicker but she ignored him. His cocky attitude could never prevail over Hades' cultivated manners, and Lexi felt a renewed sense of purpose as she stepped into Kade's arms. "To Olympus and beyond," she joked as she tucked her bag into her chest. The jest may have been lost on the two gods, but she used it to lighten the mood and the task that lay ahead of her.

Lexi's  Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें