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Hades stood at the gates chatting with Thanatos and Melinoe. Neither were his pick for personalities of the year, but they offered a distraction from the souls he counseled. Sure, some of the dead were entertaining, especially the ones who thought they were in the wrong place. Instead of meeting Saint Peter, they were greeted by him or Thanatos. The surprised expressions on their faces were worth his eternal sentence as god of the underworld.

"Are you sure Persephone is not returning this winter?" Melinoe asked him.

"I am sure. She will be busy with her newborn, and she has relinquished her position as queen of the underworld to Lexi, so she will likely cut her visits down significantly."

The smile that broke across Melinoe's face was both wicked and frightening, and Hades didn't frighten easily. While he cared for Melinoe, her dark wit and bizarre ideas gave him the creeps. Hopefully, she wouldn't be inviting herself to dinner more often. She adjusted her veil as she continued her interrogation.

"Will Lexi help us with the souls now that she'll be living here full time? If she is interested, I can give her some pointers for handling the particularly stubborn ones."

Hades shuddered at the thought of Lexi's righteous mind being tainted by Melinoe's corrupt one. "We have discussed the possibility of her helping me here, but she has been asked to join the council of the gods, so she will likely spend some time in Olympus fulfilling her duties."

Melinoe broke into a fit of laughter, which Hades felt was inappropriate, but that was Melinoe in a nutshell. "They want Lexi to join the council? But she is only eighteen...in mortal years. What has she done to impress them that much?"

"It seems she is able to revive the dead?"

The whites of Melinoe's eyes were clearly visible through her black veil as she stared at Hades. "Get the fuck out. When did she discover this amazing gift?"

"Yesterday, in Olympus. Persephone's son was stillborn and Lexi reunited his soul with his body. She is also able to heal wounds and bring dead horses back to life."

"Well, shut my mouth. I thought she had potential, being the daughter of Zeus and all, but even dear old dad can't pull off something like that. I suppose it would be awkward having her help you then, since she'll be wishing she could reunite all the souls with their bodies."

Thanatos snorted out a laugh and both Hades and Melinoe looked at him. Not much amused Thanatos, and when he did find something funny, it was usually rooted in the morbid or macabre. Before anyone could offer an opinion, another snort echoed inside the vast cavern, but it didn't come from Thanatos. As Hades squinted into the dark, a chariot came into view, led by four Andalusians, Poseidon's Andalusians. Although Hades had a fist ready to greet Poseidon the next time he saw him, it was not Poseidon piloting the chariot that careened to a stop just shy of the gates. When Hades realized the god piloting the chariot was Ares, he dearly wished it had been Poseidon. Apparently, the council did not approve Lexi's counter proposal.

Ares climbed out of the chariot, tossing his black cape over his shoulder, the one he always wore for the hunt. He was accompanied by two young gods, one of whom Hades knew to be Ares' offspring, Jules.

"Ah, I see everyone came out to greet us. How nice," Ares said. "I hadn't expected a welcoming party."

"Your arrival is somewhat of a surprise, actually," Hades said. "The last I heard, the hunt had been temporarily halted." He made no mention of the warning he'd received from Z earlier that day. Why give Ares more fuel for his fire?

"It appears your memory is failing you. Zeus informed me that your new pet, Lexi, is refusing to accept the generous offer to join our band of merry gods up top. Therefore, the temporary halt has been temporarily unhalted until she comes to her senses."

Ares offered a cocky smile. Clearly, he possessed all the fuel he needed, and Hades made a diligent effort to maintain his calm demeanor. "I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling our fellow goddess a pet. Lexi is no one's pet. She is the daughter of Zeus, and she possesses forces that are likely to outmatch ours when she is in full ownership of them."

Ares appeared unimpressed, while the young gods behind him held their tongues as they watched Thanatos and Melinoe flank Hades in a protective stance. His comrades might lack skills in social niceties, but there was never any question about their loyalty.

"Speaking of your lovers," Ares continued. "I just left another tiresome council meeting, and Persephone and Demeter made an appearance to vouch for Lexi, asking that we allow the budding, young goddess to come and go from Olympus at her leisure. I'm sure I do not have to elaborate on how well that went. By the end of the meeting, the two were threatening to exact their displeasure on the inhabitants of Olympus."

"Is that so? In what form?"

"They are leaving it as a surprise. I hope it is better than the last stunt Demeter pulled when you decided Persephone should be your mate. You have made interesting choices in consorts, Hades. I wonder if you should rethink your methods." Ares didn't give Hades an opportunity to offer a retort before turning to his companions, patting the nearest one roughly on the back. "I'm not sure you remember my son, Jules. He accompanied me last year and made himself a fine kill. Next to him is Gunther, a demigod of the finest caliber. Why don't you boys unhitch a pair of horses for us?"

While the young gods did as they were instructed, Hades had the overwhelming desire to give Ares the punishment he had reserved for Poseidon and deck him on the mouth. It would do no good in the grand scheme of things, but it would make him feel so much better.

"Well, we should get started before we run out of sunlight," Ares said. "Oh, that's right. The underworld doesn't operate off solar power. Still, I expect it will be a fine day of hunting. If you will excuse us."

Leaving his chariot parked in front of the gates, Ares brushed past Thanatos with his two protégés and a trio of horses at his heels. Hades knew he had to oblige any god who had been given permission to hunt in his domain, and while he did not doubt Ares had been given permission, it wouldn't hurt to double check with Z. He also did not like the idea of Ares and two eager youths hunting in the forest if Lexi was still there. It seemed he would be borrowing Charon's scrying mirror again.

"I must admit, it took great restraint not to introduce my fist to that infuriating god's face," Hades said as he turned to his friends.

"I can catch him on the way out." Thanatos cracked his knuckles as a sly smile curved the corners of his impervious mouth.

"Don't bother," Hades said. "I am a firm believer in karma, and I am certain she will catch him."

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