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Lexi would never forget the sound of the thud, followed by the painful realization that her horse was dying and there was nothing she could do about it. Her anguished cries echoed inside the dark, cavernous space as she urged Misty forward while Hades pushed his team of horses to the point of exhaustion. Kade offered reassurances as he flew dangerously close to the chariot in case Jackie O slipped off, but his voice was only a murmur in Lexi's head. They sped toward their destination like their lives depended on it, and when the gates appeared, she leaped off Misty's back before the horse had come to a complete stop.

Hades was hunched over Jackie O when Lexi climbed into the chariot, and she reached for Jackie O's neck to feel for a pulse. Hades' hand was already there.

"She has no pulse," he whispered solemnly. "It's up to you to revive her."

Lexi's hands were already tingling like crazy, but would her limited demigod powers be enough to start the heart of a full grown horse? She hadn't even bothered to play with her newest gift. She'd been preoccupied with other stuff, like Persephone coming back to claim her property. How could she have been so stupid? Pushing aside the internal trash talk, Lexi inhaled a trembling breath as she placed her hands over Jackie O's chest. The fact that her touch provoked no reaction, no muscle spasm, no snort of protest, gave her a violent chill. This seemed to spur her powers, and a jolt of electricity rushed through her hands, exploding against Jackie O's body in a shower of sparks.

Her horse didn't move, but Lexi's handprints had burned into Jackie O's hide, leaving an orange glow. "Oh, gods! I'm making it worse!" She shook her hands, sending out more sparks.

"Watch it, Lexi, or we'll all require first aid," Hades said.

"What do I do? I don't want to burn her. I don't know what to do!" Lexi's entire body was trembling now, and she wrapped her arms around Jackie O's chest, hugging her with all her strength. Maybe she could share her godly powers through a hug. Maybe this would show her beloved friend how much she wanted her to live, how much she valued their friendship, how sorry she was for leaving her.

Lexi heard Hades gasp, and she lifted her head to see what had triggered it. The wispy outline of a horse was trotting away from the scene as if everything was perfectly normal. The ghostly apparition looked exactly like Jackie O, only it took the form of a white fog, and she appeared extremely happy to be out of the back of the chariot. With tears streaming down her face, Lexi stood and approached the spirit form of her dearest friend. The pain in her chest had her clutching her ribcage, but she managed to speak in spite of it.

"My sweet, Jackie O. Please, don't give up. You have so much life ahead of you. In fact, you have eternity. We will never be apart, and you will have new friends, and fields of grass to graze in." Lexi reached out to touch her horse, knowing she would only feel the emptiness of air, but there was something more than air, a softness brushed against her skin like that of a lace curtain. "I love you, Jackie O. You are the most amazing horse I have ever known, and you're the smartest. Imagine the experiences we'll have together here. You haven't even had a chance to meet the centaurs."

The words started to catch in Lexi's throat as she wrapped her arms around the vague presence of Jackie O's neck, willing her friend to return to her body and wishing she could make it so. Then something bristled under Lexi's skin, and Jackie O's spirit started walking back to the chariot, taking Lexi with her. As if by instinct, Lexi knelt down next to Jackie O's body and patted her on the back. "C'mon, girl. I know you can do this."

Like the smoke from a lantern returning the genie to his enchanted home, Jackie's O's spirit swirled into her body, and seconds later, a snort erupted from her muzzle. Her legs jerked and she lifted her head, looking at the faces around her through lively black eyes.

"Thank the gods!" Lexi pressed her face against Jackie O's cheek, smothering her with kisses and promising to never again doubt the existence of miracles.

"I would like to be the first to say, holy shit!" Kade leaned against the chariot shaking his head in disbelief. "That was pretty damn impressive, Lexi."

Any further comments were cut off by the sound of panting horses, and Zeus appeared out of the dark, landing his chariot alongside them. He jumped out and rushed over, then stopped short when Jackie O clumsily got to her feet. Lexi hopped out of the way, allowing Jackie O an easy escape from the back of Hades' chariot. Lexi offered Zeus a relieved smile, taking only a moment to revel in the fact that he was there despite his adamant refusal to help her. She was too busy embracing Jackie O and weeping joyfully into her neck.

Through her sobs she heard Hades' voice as he spoke to Zeus. "Your timing could not have been better, brother. We were just about to break out the champagne."

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