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Lexi had seen her share of grandiose architecture; from the castle in Bavaria, to the Sagrada Familia in Spain, to the Palace of Versailles, but nothing compared to the sheer enormity and decadence of the home of the gods. Not even Hades' castle could top it. Once she and Kade had been given prompt and friendly admittance through the gates, she was swept up into the lively mood of the palace. Satyrs pruned hedges and scrubbed statues, while nymphs flitted in and out of pillars, their voices tinkling like wind chimes as they carried baskets from place to place. They wore even less than the nymphs at home, only a transparent swath of fabric tied at the shoulder like a toga. One quick tug on the knot and they would be completely nude, which probably happened frequently, based on her knowledge of the gods' lusty habits.

As expected, everything was detailed in gold, with the main structures appearing to be carved from white marble. Pops of color came in the form of vibrant purple wisteria hanging from trellises, to the red carpeting that lined the halls, to the green topiaries framing every doorway. If it weren't for the snow, she would have sworn it was spring.

Kade waved down a nymph and asked her to take Lexi's bag to her room. The nymph smiled sweetly, looking eager to accommodate them in spite of the basket tucked under her arm overflowing with linens. As the nymph hurried away, she stopped to bow to a golden-haired goddess walking determinedly toward Lexi and Kade. Lexi immediately recognized the goddess's radiant smile, regal stature, and elegant dress. This was Aphrodite, and Lexi was quickly pulled into her arms, receiving a kiss on each cheek.

"Buon pomeriggio, Signorina Lexi. You look even more beautiful than when we last met. Something has happened to color your complexion, and I believe I know what it is."

The knowing grin Aphrodite offered triggered a flush that definitely colored Lexi's cheeks, and she curtsied in deference to Aphrodite's nobility. "Your flattery could be the cause, or perhaps the cold."

"I doubt it is either. Have you found happiness with your choice of consort?"

Aphrodite's question caught Lexi by surprise. She hadn't expected an interrogation about her relationship with Hades, at least not by anyone other than Zeus. "Very much. He is deeply caring and attentive. More than I could have asked for in a mate."

Aphrodite studied Lexi for a moment, as if looking for a hint of insincerity. "It pleases me to hear that. How long do you plan to stay in Olympus? I would love to show you some of my favorite places. The orchards are bursting, and if we do not pick the fruit soon, we will lose them to the frost."

"I promised Hades I would not stay long, only a couple of days, but I would love to accompany you to the orchards if there's time."

"Lovely." Aphrodite finally acknowledged Kade, proffering a subtle nod while her eyes roved over his bare chest. "I expect you have been assigned to protect Lexi from marauding gods. Are you sure you can handle the task without succumbing to the temptation yourself?"

The tone in Aphrodite's voice had an edge to it, but Kade brushed it off with a shrug. "There is no honor in weakness. Could you tell us where we might find Zeus? I want him to know Lexi is here."

Aphrodite seemed unperturbed by Kade's brusque manner, and pointed down a wide hallway bustling with nymphs. "He and Poseidon are in the trophy room discussing the location for the orgy."

"Orgy?" The word choked out of Lexi's mouth, making her sound like a virgin without a clue. That was so three months ago.

"Yes. Zeus made the announcement this morning at breakfast," Aphrodite explained. "It is set to occur tomorrow. I hope you will join us, Lexi. There is much more to an orgy than what you might think. It is an orgy for all the senses. There will be food, drink, music, dancing."

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