In Trouble...

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-Ray's POV:

While I was sleeping in my comfortable bed, my phone starts to ring::

Look At You.. Now Look At Us..

All My Niggas Look Rich As F*ck .!

A-A-All My Niggas Look Rich As F*ck.! Look At You Now Look At U-

Ray: *sighs* Hello..

???: yo man

Ray: aye what's up J.?!

J-Lat is part of WM3.. Walter, our manager, gang. I've known him since we were babies waddlin' round here but anyways..

J-Lat: yo man Walt is about to have this birthday bash/meeting thing.

Ray: slash meeting thing.?! Man do y'all know what time it is.?

J-Lat: d*mn nigga of course. And you know Walt don't give a f*ck about what time it is..

Ray: trueeee...well I'll tell the boys and we'll be there .

J-Lat: iight I'll pick yall up at the "druggie corner"

If y'all don't know what a druggie corner is.. It's a corner where WM3 sell their drugs. It's on 25th and Amtrade St. (Made up) by the way .. Ya know if you wanna swing by there and get you a little puff puff you can.. *stares at you* oh I forgot y'all don't puff. Iight stay in school and say no to drugs. I went to do my hygiene routine and walked down the hall way and up (3 steps) to go to Prod's room. I slowly walked into his room and tapped his shoulder.

Ray: *tapping and whispering* Prod.. Prod... Prod.!

Prod: nigga what.?

Ray: J-Lat sayin' Walt is having a birthday bash/meeting. And he wants us to come.

Prod: oh iight let me get dressed

Ray: iight *bout to leave*

Prod: Ray.. You said slash meeting.?what the f*ck.?

Ray: that's how I was thinkin' but iight let me go tell the others.

Prod went to do his hygiene routine while I walked up another 3 steps and got to Prince's room. I opened the door and with Prod following behind and saw he was already up.

Prince: yo man did you get the message.? And slash meeting.? What the heck.?

Prod and Ray: I said the same thing. An I see you already dressed..hey stop sayin' what I'm sayin'.. Stop bruh.. Man that's it.

Roc comes walking out along with Myles they were dressed too.

[a/n:: they are all dressed now and I will post in the comments. Continurr]

Roc: really.? Slash meeting. What in the he-(GCO) *looks at phone* oh .. J is already at the "druggie corner" lets go before he loses his d*mn mind.

We all ran out.

[5 mins.later; At D-Corner]

Ray: yo J.!

Everybody gives J-Lat some dap and they hopped in his car. We were all talking until we reached WM3 territory. We got out the car and we walked to the door and already, as soon as we opened the door, the smell of weed and alcohol mixed with the sound of loud people and music. Chuck walks over to Us and says..

Chuck: what the f*ck is up which yall.?

We can tell he was already into his drinking phase. We just gave him dap and walked through the party. We sat down and watched as girls flocked to us and was sitting on our laps. We were sitting around for about 4 hours until the main man, Walter Millsap the 3rd walks down the steps. We all looked at him as if we were under his spell.

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