At the hospital Again for a surprise

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The next day I woke up still in the same spot and still covered with blood here and there. J walked into the house and pretended like he didn't see me. I started crying and I tried to get up but I couldn't. He went into the room and I heard him say, "bring some friends over." Then he said...

J-Lat: Dominique baby ....

Dominique: .... uh y-yea baby *crying*

J-Lat: *picks me up and take me into the room*

He then began to rub my thighs

Dominique: stop please stop.

J-Lat: no baby can daddy have what the fuck he wants first and then maybe just maybe.. he'll let you go.?

Dominique: *pushing his hands away* what do you want from me .? I'm your wife J. why are you *crying* doing this to me.?

J-Lat: shut up bitch.!

SLAP.!!!! across my face his hand went.

I fell on the bed crying and begging. he ripped my clothes off and all I had was a tank top and my boy shorts.

Dominique: no!!!

J-Lat: I said shut the fuck up.!

He started kissing me and touching and next thing I know he was between my legs holding me down and I was fighting him off of me. but as I fought harder, he went deeper.

Dominique: oww! stop it!

I kicked him between his legs and he fell to the ground. I punched him a couple of times while I cried. I grabbed a vase and hit him until it broke and my hands were bleeding. then I just stood there. then I ran to the bathroom and threw up .

(AN:: just to clarify what's going on, previous times before when J started hitting Dominique, he would have sex with her to "make her feel better" and this was the last resort. now continue)

I wiped my face and changed my clothes and grabbed my phone and called Myles. he didn't answer....

So I left a text message.


@DJBigDeal d(0.0)b

Dear Myles,

I'm sorry for letting you and everybody else down. but I need your help please... please Jacob has gone crazy I'll tell you the whole story but I'm on my way to the hospital....

Please forgive and forget...

I put on my my oversized hoodie and I looked in the mirror. I was a mess all of a sudden I felt a pair of hands pulling my hair then punching me. it was J.

J-Lat: you thought you could just get up out of here baby girl.? huh.?

He kept kicking me until we reached his side of the bed where the nightstand was and so was his gun. I used the nightstand as support and tried to get it but he already had it. he shot me near my collarbone on the right side. I started screaming but one thing I remembered was my daddy. automatically that "demon" from long time ago rose up into me and took over. I grabbed the gun and pistol whipped him a couple of times. as he fell to the ground, I shot him in his head over and over and over again. until it looked like a piece of meat. I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house holding my right collarbone. I limped my way to my car and drove to Roseburg County Hospital (made up) . then as I walked in....

Cliff hanger.......... Sorry guys thanks for continuously reading my story. the reason why I haven't been doing like I said was because I'm working on another book but I guess it's best to finish this huh.? Well I will .lol anyways thanks again ✌️✌️👋👋 bye bye


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