Dont Leave Pt. 1

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Hey everyone I'm so sorry for not doing what I'm supposed to be doing . then when I tried to load my chapter but it was saying that it was deleted on server or something but here is just a taste of what's going to happen next.

Dominique's POV::

It is now been 11 months and Nene is trying to walk her little butt off. and when I tell yall she loves her daddy I mean it for real. she would go crawl to the bathroom while Chres is in the shower and bang on the door saying "dada dada dada". but this time Roc was coming home from a tour with the boys . It's now 4:35am and he said he'll be home at 10pm. I thought maybe his flight was delayed but Keisha and/or Walter would've called me and told me. I just decided to put Nene back in her crib because she's been popping up crying and that's because why??? Roc is not home. as I put her in her crib watching her suck her thumb (she gets that from Nick) I hear the front door open. I grabbed my knife and put it in my garter belt then I grabbed my gun from under Nene's diaper changing table . I slowly went downstairs and it looked like 4 guys heads but I couldn't tell who was who . they walked into the kitchen and crept down to the couch and the lights were off.

???: bruh that party was live as f*ck tho.

That sounded like Ray.

???: and girls bouncing on my lap.

That sounded like Prod.

???: and the way that girl was slurping me up. I was like d*mn. *laughs*

That sounded like... Roc. I hope he's so f*cking drunk that he's just remembering sh*t cuz if not he gonna catch a case. they all walked out of the kitchen, with sandwiches. as soon as one of them pulled it up to their mouth I shot it out of their hand.

???: ow f*ck!!!!

I heard Nene scream. and Nick comes running in the living room. I grabbed him and pointed the gun at another one of them.

???: baby put the gun down. and turn on the light .

I threw my gun behind the couch and picked up Nick. I turned the table lamp on.

Roc: uh... hey... baby... hey big man..

Dominique: Nick baby go to your room. you got school in the morning. FIRST DAY of school . so you need your rest okay??

Nick: otay mommy.

I kissed his forehead and he ran off to bed.

Dominique: do yall know what f*cking time is it?! and Roc where the f*ck were you?!

Prince: uh Dom calm down baby doll. we just wanted to celebrate our new released music video.

He lifted up an apple to bite it when I took the knife and threw it splitting the apple in fourths.

Ray: uh little sis calm down.

Dominique: Ray you have no room to talk . if you calm your d*ck down then I would calm down. You know what I can't deal right now cuz your son has school in a few hours and I thought you were going to take him. but I guess I have too huh? *smh*

I begin to walk up the stairs when Roc stops me.

Roc: baby ?

Dominique: no Roc is heard what you said.... and I guess you can't take it back either...

The boys all looked down at the floor with dad looks on their faces. I got tears in my eyes.

Dominique: might as well go back with her then... Cuz if I find the b*tch, she's gonna be six feet. so get your stuff Roc and leave.

Roc: baby where am I going to go??

Dominique: to h*ll....with that b*tch!

I stomped upstairs and sat on my window pane. I saw the house across the street and it had a "For Rent" sign . it had number at the bottom. imma call that number later on today.

???'s POV::

I just gave birth to my little boy Tyson....Tyson Miguel Lopez and he's 7lbs. 8oz. and I have a new man and his name is Khalil... Underwood .

Dominique's POV::

It's Monday and baby boy's first day of preschool. I woke up extra early to make his breakfast when Roc comes downstairs. I stirred the eggs while I had my fiery eyes on him. he looked like he's been crying. to be honest I don't care cuz he made me cry too.he needs to feel it every once in a while.

Roc: baby at least talk to me....

Dominique: your son is probably up now....

Roc: alright Dominique I get it and this sh*t hurts.

Dominique: can you talk about this later?

Roc: no f*ck that sh*t !

He grabs my arms aggressively.

Dominique: Chres let me go!

Roc: no im tired of this sh*t! YOURE GONNA F*CKING LISTEN TO ME!

he slams me into the wall.

Dominique: Chres stop it please you're hurting me!

Roc: f*ck!! *slapping the wall beside me*

I just slid down the wall while crying . he looks at me with rage in his eyes. I watched him go upstairs to get Nick ready for school. he was then down within 5 minutes and he looked at me.

Roc: and fix your damn hair. looking like a f*cking matted dog.

Dominique: you got ONE f*cking time. YOUVE BEEN WARNED MOTHAF*UCKA!

He walked out with Nick and he was off to school. I didn't even get to say bye.

~20 minutes later~

He was back and I was gone with Nene and Nick's clothes and mine across the street to the house for rent.... and he doesn't even know it.


Hola everybody! I'm slacking off but I also had writers block so I had to go think for a while. soooo.... without further ado, who do you think had little Tyson??



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