Get Her Back

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Feb. 14, 2015

Roc's POV::

It's been 5 months and I still haven't seen or heard from Dominique. Yea she dropped my ass like a bad habit. I knew it was coming too. And it's Valentines Day. Ebony has been by here a couple of times but just for a 20-30 minute visit. I would always ask her has she seen Dominique or when will it be a great time to see Her and the kids Cuz Nick's birthday is next month... oh wow my little man's growing up. 4 years old. today, it was me and the guys chillin'.

Ray: yo Roc??

Roc: what's up Ray?? Prod what's good?

Prod: yo what's up?

Roc: where's Prince ??

Ray: he had to do something with Kiara if you know what I mean *grinning and dapping me up"

Prod: hey not tryna get in your business and whatnot but do you have new neighbors Cuz last time I came over here, that house was still on the market...

We all stood there like 3 idiots staring at the house. then a car pulled into the driveway. A toned calf muscle reached out to touch the ground so to the best of my knowledge the person was short.. say about 5'1" or 5'2". the person fully climbed out the car and SHE had long straight hair .

Ray: damn.... Mami got ass too.

She swiftly looked into our direction but I couldn't see her face because she was so far off in the distance. she was driving a black bullet proof Cadillac truck . she threw a duffle bag over her shoulder as she reached into the back of the truck to get a little girl out. the little girl was waddling which made me laugh alittle, thinking about what my little Courtney would do if she was... beginning her walking phase. then a little boy hopped out the back.

????: mommy mommy!

???: I'm right here baby come on so we can fix you some soup for your cold.

The woman looked back at us again and her eyes looked like they had widen and she hurried back inside. what was she in a rush for???? I don't even know her. well that's what I think.

Ray: uh Roc???

Roc: yea

Prod: Roc that might've been Dominique.

Ray: and she must've gotten thicker Cuz she didn't have all of that back then.

Prod: why don't you go over there and see if it's her. if it's not then apologize and bring yo ass back over here . don't be fraternizing either...

Roc: let me shower and get dressed.

So I did that and dressed in this:: (in comments) and I brushed my teeth again to make sure my breath was extra fresh for her just in case it is her and I want to kiss her. I finally ran downstairs and the boys were knocked out. I decided to leave a note saying I had just left and I'll be right back. I looked into the hallway mirror one last time and brushed my shirt off alittle. I grabbed my keys and my iPhone and dipped out across the street. It was night time and a little bit chilly to the point where I could see my breath. I knocked on her door and it flew open and as soon as I was about to open my mouth to say hi, a gun flew out at me. It was dark in the house.

Roc: ma'am I'm sorry.

???: what do you want?!

Roc: I saw you earlier and I didn't know if you were new to the neighborhood so I thought I could come in and say hello.

???: you ain't coming in nowhere.

She pointed the gun at my chest , barely touching it before she pulled back and turned on the lights. She was wearing this :: (in comments)

Roc: *gasps* Dominique??

Dominique: Chres....

Roc: baby I've been looking all over for you and ...

Dominique's POV::

Roc: baby I've been looking all over for you and ....

I turned around walking back to the couch .

Roc: baby have you gained some ass and some thighs since you left.

Dominique: what does it look like to you...

Roc: baby I'm sorry for treating you with disrespect and I want you back.

Dominique: how do I not know that you'll beat my ass as soon as I step foot in your door??

Roc: baby I was drunk. I take full blame for it . at least please let's do this for the kids sake.

Dominique: what are you really here for??? Sex?? Well you're not getting any of this.

Roc: Dominique please baby. I don't want sex from you. I just want you and the kids to come back home . I hate when you're upset with me baby . I haven't seen my son and my daughter in 5 months baby. where are they??

Dominique: *tearing up* in their room. Nick's in his room and Nene is in my bed.

Roc took off running upstairs.

Dominique: and keep it down because they got school in the morning.

He slowed his pace to small quick steps. I followed behind with my gun just in case he feelin' froggy. he looked at Nick and they resembled each other whether if Nick was asleep or not. Chres kissed Nick on the forehead and went into my room to check on Nene. she was in the middle of my bed knocked out. she looked like me but with Chres's round face and curly hair. Chres then turned around and looked at me. I was wiping tears from my eyes when he kissed me and I mean for a long time. I wanted to push him away but he was way too strong for me.

(A/N:: the kids were wearing this btw :: in comments)

10 minutes later...

We were still making out when his phone started ringing. me and Chres sighed at the sound.

Roc: damn it's Ray. *answers phone* hello??? Yea I'm over here.... I'll be over in a minute. iight bye. *hangs up*

Dominique: guess you got to go huh???

Roc: yea but I'll be here everyday and anytime you want me to come over baby girl.

He kissed my lips one more time and then I walked him to the door. he started running back across. I closed the door and put my back against it... whoo that boy that boy that boy... I walked back upstairs and took me a shower and climbed back in my bed going to sleep and having the best dream ever of me Chres and the kids back together forever.

Roc's POV::

Ray: so who was it??

Roc: it was my lady.

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