01 || Two Years of Hell

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Your POV:

Two years had passed since you arrived in the Box. Two shucking years but you still had no luck in finding a way out. About six months after coming out of the Box, you had been made a Runner after going through vigorous training sessions with your Keeper, Minho.

Every month, everyone expected a new Greenie and each month the Creators would not disappoint. You were still the only girl but surprisingly you didn't mind as much as you thought you would. You fit in well with the small, tightly-knit community which kept the hope burning inside each and every one of you.

The newest Greenie was a boy called Chuck. He was the youngest of all of you, only about twelve or thirteen. Because of his young age, he had been made a Slopper. You pitied him because the other boys mainly teased him and he didn't have many close friends. Nevertheless, you could tell most of the boys appreciated all the help they could get.


As the rounded the last corner of the Maze, you heard shouts and cheers from the other Gladers. You glanced at Minho, your running partner, and grinned. You checked your watch and realised that you had made it back with less than two minutes before the doors close.

Suddenly, the ground beneath you turned to grass as you sprinted into the Glade. Newt limped up to you and grinned. "Thank God you made it back! The doors should be closing in a second." As if on cue, you heard an earsplitting rumbling as the doors banged shut.

Minho grinned back. "We're too smart to get locked out in the Maze at night, you know that," He said as he playfully elbowed Newt in the stomach.

You laughed and clapped your friends on the shoulders. "Last one to the Map Room is a slinthead!" You yelled as you sprinted off in the direction of the hut, kicking up dirt as you go.

Within seconds, you heard Minho come close up behind you. At the last moment, you put on a spurt of speed and just beat Minho as you slowed to a walk inside the Map Room, panting for breath.

"I'm guessing you're the slinthead then," You mocked as Minho came up behind you.

"I'll beat you one day," He promised and you smirked at him, daringly. No one had ever beaten you at running. Your speed was unmatched, but you were not able to run for as long a time as Minho, hence why you were not Keeper. Even so, you didn't want the job and Minho had been here longer.


When you've finished mapping the section of the Maze you ran today, you headed towards the Kitchens for dinner, Minho just behind. As you drew closer, the delicious scent of Frypan's cooking wafted towards your nostrils.

Grabbing a plate of food, you thanked Fry and followed your friends to a table. Upon arrival, you collapsed onto a seat between Newt and Minho. "So new Greenie tomorrow then," Newt commented as you wolfed down your food hungrily.

"Yep and I'm the one who has to show the shank around," You groaned as the others laughed. For the remainder of dinner, the three of you continue to laugh and talk. It was their never ending life and optimism which had kept you going through the tough years.


When you had finished, you all stood and dumped your plates on the side before heading out. Yawning, you said "I think I'm going to head off to bed." Newt and Minho escorted you to your room which Gally had built for you seeing as you're the only girl.

Opening the door, you walked inside your small but cosy room. "Night guys," You waved.

"Night Y/N," Minho called as he shut the door behind you.

"Goodnight," Newt shouted as they walked off. Deep in thought, you slowly changed into your night clothes before slipping beneath the covers of your bed.

You stared up at the darkening ceiling in thought, wondering about the new Greenie tomorrow — could it be possible that another girl would arrive? You had the same hope each and every month but nothing ever came of it. However, after a long days run, you couldn't keep your eyes open and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Here's chapter 1! Hope you are enjoying the story.

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