05 || New Findings

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Your POV:

The rest of the day went much the same. You showed the Greenie around every inch of the Glade and answered all his questions. He asked a lot of questions — more than the usual newbie. Grinning, you realised you were exactly the same when you first arrived.

The Doors were due to close in ten minutes but Minho had not returned. A faint curl of worry had twisted your insides but you knew it meant nothing; he had got back late before, as had you. "Come on Greenie, let's go and see Minho returning."


"Keeper of the Runners," You explained as you hurried over to where Newt was standing and waiting.


A couple of minutes later, Newt pointed down the corridor of the Maze. With a sigh of relief, you saw it was Minho. Soon enough, he had run into the Glade, panting as he wiped his brow on his top.

You hurried over to him. "Did you find anything?" You asked, expecting the usual 'no'. It had become something of a tradition to ask that same question each and every day.

His face lit up as he nodded. "What?" You exclaimed — so loudly that a couple of Track-hoes, who were stood in a small group, turned to see what had happened.

"Found a dead one," Minho panted as Alby came sprinting over.

"A dead what?" You urged him.

He turned to look at you, his face a mixture of worry and excitement. "A dead Griever."

"What do you mean?" Alby asked hesitantly, as if he couldn't quite process the words that Minho had uttered. None of you could.

Minho looked up angrily. "I mean what I said, there was a dead Griever."

"So did you investigate?" You persisted.

"Of course not, the Doors were due to close in half an hour and I knew I wouldn't make it back if I stayed. We can go tomorrow."

Alby nodded slowly, still struggling to believe the news. "Tomorrow, me, you and Y/N can go and investigate. See if we can get a new lead on getting out of here." He jogged off towards the Homestead, leaving the four of you stood there.

This was big. The leader never came along on runs ever since everyone had been assisted specific jobs.

Muttering excitedly to your friends, you started to head over to where most of the Gladers were already eating; Newt, Minho and the newbie following behind.


You thanked Fry as you grabbed a bowl of delicious looking stew. He smiled and nodded at you in reply. Following your lead, the Greenie took his own bowl and followed you to your usual table.

The rickety chair wobbled as you sat down and you cursed under your breath as it nearly fell. Gally could do with fixing or strengthening a few of these chairs. Newt sat to your right and the Greenie took a place to your left.

"What's so amazing about seeing a dead Griever?" The Greenie questioned between mouthfuls.

"Ain't never seen a dead one before," Newt explained.

"Might give us some new leads of how to escape this shucking place," Minho chipped in as he took as seat opposite you.

"So, how's day one gone then Greenie?" You asked, changing the subject before he could ask too many questions about becoming a Runner again.

Shrugging, he took another spoonful of food and chewed thoughtfully. "Alright I guess, it's a lot to take in."

"Tell me about it," You agreed, while scooping up the remainder of your stew from the bowl. Only too well could you remember your first day here and the confusion which stayed with you for the weeks after.

"They'll be throwing the bonfire soon," Minho said as you all finished your food. You hadn't even realised it had begun to get dark.

Your table stood up simultaneously and headed towards the fire, whose flames were leaping higher and higher into the clear night sky, creating a welcome glow that beckoned all the Gladers over.


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