02 || Waiting and Wondering

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Your POV:

The next morning, you woke early and threw on some clothes. 'Some day this'll be.' You thought to yourself. Showing the Greenies around was always a tedious job as you had to go through the same procedure every time. Occasionally, you would get a runner and it would be your job to catch them before they reached the Maze.

Despite this, at least it gave you a few more minutes of much needed sleep.

Grabbing a hair tie, you swiftly pulled back back your hair into a pony tail. Checking you reflection in the small mirror the Creators sent you, you rubbed your eyes and yawned. Satisfied, you left your room and headed to the kitchens for breakfast.


On the way, you met Minho who was already heading over to the Doors which were due to open in a few minutes. "Morning Y/N!" He called cheerfully.

"Morning Minho," You replied, smiling.

"Aren't you a lucky shank, getting a day off to show the Greenie around," He taunted, a smug smile spreading across his face.

You groaned. "Don't remind me, I'd rather go running with you."

Minho winked. "Good luck with the Greenie!" He called over his shoulder as he turned and ran off towards the opening Doors. Rolling your eyes, you continued to head off to breakfast.


You strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of toast. Spotting Newt at a small table at the back, you strolled over to him. "Morning!" You greeted as you throw yourself onto the chair opposite.

"Morning." He returned the smile. "All ready to show the Greenie round I see." You grimaced again, reached over the table and punched him playfully on the arm.

"Hopefully this one won't cause any trouble, I seem to remember the boy before Chuck started hitting on you before he was out of the box!" He winked.

"Shut up you, I seem to remember you slamming him on the Box walls and threatening him after that."

Newt blushed. "He needed to be taught some respect, no one should treat you like that." Then it was your turn to blush. You were about to reply when you were cut off by the Greenie alarm.

You glanced at Newt as everyone around you got up and headed towards the Box Hole. There was no rush as the Box didn't arrive until about half an hour after the alarm. You finished your last mouthful of toast and got to your feet. Newt rose as well and the two of you headed over to the Box Hole where most of the Gladers were already gathered.


As you approached, the Gladers parted to allow you and Newt to get to the edge of the Hole. Then you waited. It was the same apprehensive feeling every month as you all debated and bet how the Greenie would turn out.

"Hey Y/N!" Gally called over to you, "You hoping it's gonna be another girl?" He asked, grinning.

"I don't know, it would be nice but I've got all you guys. Maybe another boy would be more fun!" You smiled back, jokingly.

"Well I certainly hope it's a girl!" Another Glader called out and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

You rolled your eyes disgustedly and snorted. "You wish!"

The quiet chatter amongst all the Gladers grew louder and more excited every minute. The Box should be arriving very moment.

"Hey Gally? Do me a favour and don't bully the poor Greenie." Gally grinned and mocked an offended look.

"When would I ever do that?" He laughed. You smiled to yourself. Gally may have warmed up to you and even become one of your best friends but he was not so nice to the Greenies. He had a short temper and didn't hesitate to take it out on the newbies. You, on the other hand, had been an exception, and no one really knew why.


Another chapter! Hope you are all enjoying the story so far.

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