22 || Unwanted Interruptions

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Your POV:

After Thomas had disappeared out the door, Newt had grown oddly silent. He ensured you that nothing was wrong but his silence said otherwise.

You finished your lengthened rant about what had been going on recently to find that Newt was staring at you with a strange expression which you couldn't quite place.


He snapped out of his reverie and, looking somewhat startled, stared confusedly at you.

"Sorry, what?" He muttered apologetically.

You groaned at his feeble response and shook your head. 'What was going on with him?'

"You're not listening to a word I say are you?"

"Of course I am!" He tried to sound convincing.

You weren't fooled and began to stare pointedly at him until he admitted defeat.

"Okay, so maybe not all the time."

Feeling exasperated, you tried again, "What's going on with you? You have started to act really weird."

"Well. . . I just. . . I've been. . ." He stuttered, blushing faintly as he tried to come up with a reasonable excuse.

The awkward silence that followed stretched on for several long seconds before Newt finally burst out. "I've been thinking about when. . . when you were trapped in the Maze. It made me realise something."

You raised one eyebrow in confusion. When he didn't elaborate, you tried once more.

"Realise what?"

Newt was blushing madly now and he couldn't quite meet your eye. "It made realise that I don't want to lose you and if. . . if something happened I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't tell you that. . . that. . ."

His words were interrupted by a loud bang as the door was thrown open to revealing the grinning, slightly sweaty face of Chuck. Both you and Newt jumped at the sudden interruption and you could have sworn you heard him cursing softly to himself.

Your breath hitched in your throat. 'What was he about to say?' Feeling heat slowly spreading up your cheeks, you banished these thoughts from your mind and concentrated on Chuck.

"Someone said that they saw Gally run into the Maze after the gathering and he hasn't been seen since." The young boy talked breathlessly, oblivious of what he had interrupted.

"Are they sure it was him?" You said, trying to act like nothing had happened.

"Who else'd be crazy enough? There are rumours his cronies are hidin' him though." Chuck shrugged and continued, "On the bright side, dinner's ready!"

This made you smile slightly and you rose from your bed. "Let's go then."

Newt, still perched on the edge of your bed, looked awkwardly at the sheets, his face still a little pink.

"You comin' Newt?" Chuck asked frowning.

He shook his head fervently in reply, "No, I'll join you later."

You strode out of the room, eager to leave this new awkwardness behind. Chuck trailed innocently behind, already rambling on about Gally and the Grievers.


"So, Newt was about to tell something but Chuck interrupted?" Minho asked.

"Yes. . ." You groaned, "Now I think he's avoiding me."

Minho continued to stare at you, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "Seriously, are you that oblivious?"

"What?" You frowned, shoving him slightly, "You know what this is about? Just tell me already. . ."

Minho waggled his finger at you, whilst maintaining a completely straight face. "Nuh uh, this should be good."


I couldn't just do it that easily, could I?

Sorry. . .

Hope you enjoyed!

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