08 || Panicked Mistakes

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Your POV:

You turned left, then right and then left again, Minho in the lead. You kept running and running, only occasionally stopping to let Alby take a short break as he wasn't used to running all day in the sweltering heat.

Several hours later, you reached a sharp left turn and slowed to a halt. Still panting heavily, you slid down the cold stone wall to the floor to eat lunch. Fumbling at the straps of your backpack, you pulled out a sandwich and gratefully wolfed it down. To finish, you washed it down with an enormous swig of water from your bottle and set it down on the Maze floor.

"Is it much further?" Alby groaned after gulping down his own sandwich.

"Nope, just a few more turns," Minho replied, getting swiftly to his feet.
"Let's get going."

You hurriedly packed away your drink and secured your backpack straps, eager to get moving.

When Alby had stood, you all sprinted round the sharp bend. Several minutes later, Minho began to slow down. He pointed down the corridor to a large, unmoving shape on the dusty floor. Cautiously, you advanced upon it. It was lying on its back with its long, mechanical limbs folded awkwardly across its body.

"It's not pretty is it?" Minho grimaced as you continued to move forward. Soon enough, you were standing close enough to touch. The sight of it close up almost made you want to gag.

It was utterly still. Even seeing it up close, you still found it hard to believe that one of these horrific monsters was simply lying here, waiting to discovered. Shaking your head, you took a slow walk around the length of its body.

With an unexpected whirring noise, the mechanical limbs suddenly flailed about and a lethal-looking needle punctured Alby's chest. He collapsed instantly, writhing in pain.

You leapt into action, Minho too, and yanked the now unconscious boy away from the repulsive creature.

Minho began yelling, "Run! We have to get him to the Med-jacks!" You grabbed his legs and Minho took hold of his arms. Together, you began to haul him back to the Glade.

The Griever behind you screeched angrily but didn't follow. You and Minho dragged Alby through the long passages of the Maze, grunting as you heaved the unmoving boy along.

"We're not gonna make it!" Minho screamed in frustration. "Not carrying Alby!"

You had left plenty of time to get back to the Glade, with half an hour to spare, but none of you had anticipated this. It would take far too long hauling someone along as well.

"We have to move faster!"

It was impossible.

You tried to pick up the pace but you were already exhausted. Your legs had gone numb and your breathing was heavy. Each step caused your legs to wobble as you struggled along.


At last you saw the Doors, which were rumbling and screeching as they began to close. On the other, in the safety of the Glade, the boys screamed words of encouragement.

You see Newt at the front, a look of pure panic adorning his face.

"You have to leave him!" Someone shouted but you knew, you both knew, that wasn't an option.

You glances at Minho's sweating face, screwed up in concentration as you continued to heave Alby along.

In that moment, you knew for certain. You knew you weren't going to make it. You were going to die.

With a final grunt of frustration, you sped up. One last attempt to get Alby to the Glade. To have a chance to see another sunrise.

Sweat dropped off your forehead as you ran.

Twenty metres.

Fifteen metres.

Ten metres.

You knew it was too late.

You regretted never telling Newt how you felt about him. You thought about how you would never know a life outside these walls. The life you always dreamed about. Now it would never come true.

At the last moment, people to started shouting. "No Thomas! Don't do it!"

As the doors banged shut, Thomas sprinted into the Maze. . .


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