Hope || The End

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Hello my faithful readers,

So, first things first. Thank you all so, so, so, so, so much for your support, your amazing comments and for reading this book! It has been an honour to write for such an amazing fandom! You are all incredible people, even if you are a silent reader (don't worry, I was too for so long).

Secondly, no, there will not be a sequel. I have added this here after many comments wishing me to write one and I thought I would publish this now for clarity. But nevertheless, I really appreciate all your feedback so please, tell me what you think!

Back to the sequel: I had one up when I finished this but decided that I had lost inspiration and moved onto other stories which I'm much happier with. I'm really sorry that I will not be continuing it and I hope that you understand my decision.

Hope you have truly enjoyed this story and will continue to read my future books!

Please continue to vote, comment and follow.


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