19 || The Leader

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Your POV:

The Gathering was due to start in half and hour and there was nothing you could do except lie uncomfortably on the restricted confines of your bed. You had tried to stand up but with little result; that is, if you didn't count the sharp, knife-like stabbing pain which had caused you to instantly sit back down.

Minho had confided his plan to you. He was going to nominate Thomas for Keeper of the Runner. "Aim high, hit low." Those were his exact words. Hopefully it would be enough.

Gally was another problem. He would try to speak against the newbie and he could put up one hell of an argument. Which, to be fair, would probably consist of him ranting about 'abuse of the rules'. Some days — and it was times like these — you wondered how you even made friends with him to begin with.

To make matters worse, had still not visited you. Naturally, you felt hurt and angry. Maybe he didn't care or maybe he knew you would try and dissuade him from going against Thomas.

The mysterious girl still lay across the room from you. Clint predicted that she would soon wake up but he couldn't be sure. You hoped she would soon. The sooner you got some shucking answers the better.


Muffled bangs and crashes snapped you back to reality from your daydream. Two sets of feet came hurrying past your door and into the one next door. That was Alby's room.

Straining your ears, you thought you could make out the sound of whispering voices. One very familiar, but unexpected, voice could faintly be heard. Alby was awake.

You couldn't make out what they were saying but nevertheless you attempted to make out a few words. Crushing any futile attempts to listen in, a pair of footsteps thundered past once more, heading towards the entrance of the hut.

Unfortunately, patience was never your strong point. Plus, your friend was awake in there. So, disregarding the obvious pain that the walk would cause, you swung your legs over the side of the bed and got to your feet.

Swaying slightly, you just managed to keep your balance but could do nothing to stem the sudden feeling of nausea which overcame you. You shut your eyes for a moment to try and block out the discomfort. The feeling passed a moment later, leaving behind only the pain in your abdomen. That couldn't be helped.

Tentatively, you took a step forward and experimented. Your legs were still slightly wobbly from lack of use but the pain you could take. For now anyway.

Still, you couldn't risk walking any faster so the next few moments consisted of a sluggish, shuffle-like walk to the door. Triumphantly, you reached the door handle and yanked it wide open.

Thomas, Newt, Chuck and Clint rounded the corner and stared in shock as the sight of you half-stood, half-slumped in the doorway to your room. Clint gave you a disapproving look as Newt said incredulously "What the hell are you doing? I thought we agreed you were not going to try and walk."

You grinned, trying to disguise the look of pain. "I'm fine, see. I heard Alby so I'm not just going to lie there. He's my friend too!"

Exasperated, Newt relented but shook his head all the same. Thomas, taking the lead, pushed open the door to Alby's room.

He was perched on the side of the bed, head in his hands as you all peered anxiously around the frame of the door.

"Alby?" Newt asked cautiously, "You said you wanted to talk to Tommy?"


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