10 || Narrow Escapes

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Your POV:

You weren't sure how your legs kept moving. After a whole day of running, they burned and throbbed painfully and your lungs screamed for oxygen. But you kept going.

Large booms and crashes could be heard every now and again as the Griever continued to give chase.

You glanced behind you to see how Thomas was doing. He wasn't there. You groaned — now you were alone in the vast passages of the Maze. Alone, scared, and with little chance of survival.


The sounds of the Grievers faded slowly away to nothing so you finally deemed it safe to come to a halt. Gratefully, you sucked in lungfuls of air and rested your hands on your stiff legs.

Distant crashes and screeches sounded to your left and then closer noises echoed from your right — they were becoming an all too familiar sound to you now. A sound you payed painfully close attention to. You had to. It was a matter of life and death.

Sucking in one last massive breath, you began to jog again. It was never wise to stay in one place for too long.


Your first priority was to find Minho and Thomas. 'If they're still alive. . .' You dismissed that thought with a shake of the head. They were fast and smart. They could make it. At least, that was what you hoped.

You ran round corner after corner but there was no sign of either of the boys. Stopping yet again for a quick breather, you stared up at the looming, moss covered stone that surrounded you.

Not for the first time, or certainly not the last, you conjured up an image of the world beyond these walls. An image of the family you no longer remembered.

Lost in thought, you jumped as a shout sounded from your left. It was Minho. But there was another noise that echoed through the corridors, louder than the yells of the boys.  The ear-piercing shrieks let you know that it was a Griever.

Following the sounds of the commotion, you took the next left turn and dashed down the awaiting passage. Minho yelled again; you were definitely getting closer. It seemed to be coming from your right so you turned down the next corridor.

With a loud 'oomph', you ran head first into something; causing you to fall painfully to the ground.


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