25 || The Girl

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Your POV:

Thomas had gone into the Maze for his first day as a Runner. Although you were disappointed that you were not out there with them, you were glad that he brought back new hope. With some luck, maybe he could discover some more clues. They did, after all, seem to be cropping up much more frequently since he arrived.

Nevertheless, everyone was falling deeper and deeper into fear and chaos. The Box was still sat there, mocking you all. It was supposed to bring supplies up today. But there it sat. Empty. Pitifully empty of the supplies which had kept you all alive these past years.

On a happier note, Alby was up and had resumed his post of leader. He was trying to keep the calm and peace but no one was completely satisfied.


You rested your head on Newt's shoulder and sighed. He turned towards you and put his head on yours, tightening his arm around you shoulders.

"We should probably go. We need to meet Alby and get to the Map Room before Minho and Thomas return. They'll be back soon," He whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your face.

Reluctantly, you pulled away from his warm embrace and stood up. He joined you and took hold of your hand, leading you towards the Map Room.

Alby joined you as you walked, looking grim and he didn't offer any words of greeting. Soon the familiar, wooden hut came into view; Newt unlocked the small door and led you inside.

A few moments of comfortable silence later, Minho and Thomas burst into the sturdy room, red-faced and out of breath.

"Well, did you find anything?" Alby demanded, determined to waste no time on niceties.

Minho was taken aback and the hurt showed on his face. "Nice to see you too. As matter of fact we did find something."

"This whole shucking place if falling apart," Alby almost growled.

"What's happened now?" Minho asked, more confusion adorning his face.

"The bloody Box ain't gone down and today is the day of the supplies. Everyone's panicked," Newt filled them in solemnly.

"Well, we found something strange." Minho launched into the explanation on their 'experiments' at the Cliff. "Must be where they live or somethin'."

"The Griever Hole," Thomas added.

Newt raised his eyebrows and you stared, confused. "Got to see it to believe it," The second in command muttered.

"We gotta block it off or something, stop them coming?" Minho suggested. Alby stared at him, his face mixture of anger and apprehension.

You shook you head in despair. "That won't do. They can climb walls remember?"

Shouting suddenly echoed from outside; the five of you turned and stared at the source of the commotion.

Being nearest the door, you decided to investigate. As soon as you had flung the door wide, a small head of curls came into view.

Chuck bounced happily towards the building, yelling as he went. He waved his hands around when he saw your head poking out of the door.
"The girl! The girl's awake!" The small boy was shouting.

Stunned, you turned back to your companions. "Did you hear that? It's the other girl; she's awake at last!"

The faces of your friends mirrored that of your own as you all exited the room and started at a pace towards the Med-jack hut. Looking around, you noticed that Thomas had not followed. A quick swivel of your head let you know that he had vanished.

You shrugged it off. Your mind was occupied with a feeling of apprehension mixed with a slight sliver of hope.

'Could she give you any clues on how to escape? What did she know about the note? Why another girl?'

Hopefully, she could provide even a few answers. Otherwise, all was just about lost.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Getting closer to the end now.

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