06 || A Proper Welcome

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Your POV:

You all plopped down onto a log next to the fire and begun to talk. Behind you, Gally was beating up the other Gladers for fun. After he had thrown yet another Glader out of the circle, he addressed the newbie. "Hey Greenie, come and see what you're made of."

Your newfound friend turned and stared incredulously at Gally. The Gladers had begun to chant in the background. "Greenie! Greenie!"

So, in response, he stood up quickly and made his way towards the circle of boys who awaited him. They parted eagerly to let him slip past. Gally turned and moved round the edge of the circle, like a tiger stalking his prey.

"Well come on then Greenie," He taunted to shouts and cheers from the surrounding crowd. "I've got to try and and push you out of the circle, you've got to try and last more than five seconds." The Gladers roared with appreciative laughter.

The boy ran forward, trying to shove Gally over but he sidestepped at the last second and threw the greenie to the ground. The onlookers 'oohed' apprehensively as he tried to stand but Gally kicked him and collapsed again.

"Is that all you got Greenie?" He chuckled, taking to time to bask in the compliments, shouts and cheers from the Gladers.

"Stop calling me that," The Greenie hissed through gritted teeth. You had to admit, he had guts.

"Well, what do you want to be called? Shank?" The Gladers screamed with laughter as Gally ran forward yet again and shoved the Greenie hard. He fell forwards on his face. "I think I've settled on shank." The watching boys laughed once more.

The Greenie stood up forcefully and charged towards Gally, knocking him backwards. The boys 'oohed' and shouted again. Gally stared angrily and threw a punch at his face which he sidestepped and used the advantage to push Gally to the floor.

Fuming with anger, Gally rose and grabbed the boy by the collar. He pushed the Greenie and then shoved him hard, causing him to tumble to the dusty floor yet again. He lay there, disorientated, for a few seconds. "Thomas. . ." He whispered and then shouted it louder. "Thomas! My name's Thomas!" The Gladers cheered and surrounded him, clapping him on the back.

Thomas came over to where you were all still sitting. You also clapped him on the back. "Well done back there Thomas, that was some push!" You grinned. His returned the smile as Newt and Minho also congratulated him.

"I think I'll head off to bed if we're going to check out this Griever tomorrow," You decided as you stood up and stretched your cramped legs.

"Night," You heard Newt, Minho and Thomas call as you walked round the edge of the circle. As you passed Gally, you also slapped him on the back and grinned. He waved back as you headed over to your room and opened the small door.

With a yawn, you quickly changed into your night clothes and collapsed, exhausted, onto the bed. Sleep came in a matter of minutes, washing over you and you gratefully succumbed to the darkness.


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