35 || The Mouth of Hell

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Your POV:

It was all too familiar; it was hard to believe this could be the last time you ran these stone corridors. The final bid for freedom. Could you all truly escape this prison?

The repetitive rhythm of the Gladers' footsteps echoed around the otherwise silent Maze. It was a wonder that the Grievers had not descended upon you. Many of them were not used to this much running so the pace was slower than you, or Minho, would like.

You knew the route well. It was mapped it in your mind and every familiar turn you took was one step closer to freedom.

Beside you, Frypan and Jeff looked exhausted and one glance over your shoulder told you that they were not alone.

With a long sigh of relief, you turned the last corner before the corridor which held the Griever Hole. Minho, having taken the lead, skidded to a halt just before the bend. Everyone followed his lead. You waited, silent as a wolf stalking his prey, and listened for the tell-tale signs of Grievers.

Minho peered around the corner as the Gladers waited with baited breath. Breaking the silence, he moaned worriedly under his breath, "Oh no. . . They're here."

Petrified glances were shared among your friends. You gulped visibly, "How many?"

He shrugged, "At least ten; they were waiting for us." 

"Looks like we're in for a fight," Newt's voice shook as he spoke.

No one moved. Some people even took a hesitant step back.

Alby took a step forward. "Maybe I could. . ." He turned, without giving anyone time to react, and stepped out in full view of the Grievers. He carried on walking.

"No!" You shouted in a hoarse whisper. It was too late. The Grievers leapt upon him like a starving pack of dogs, devouring him in an instant.

Staring transfixed at the Griever Hole, you watched as the dragged his unmoving body backwards. Tears filled your eyes — you had watched yet another friend die today. Newt grasped you hand tightly and all of you knew what you had to do.

"We can't waste the chance he just gave us. Thomas, you and Teresa get to the Hole. You know the code. We'll fight them if we have to," Minho said.

"Okay," Thomas agreed, "We get out now or we die trying!" He brandished his weapon and the Gladers followed suit reluctantly.

Heart pounding in your mouth, you all ran forward yelling various battle cries. The Grievers reacted almost instantaneously. They pounced.

Weapons flashed in morning sun, a desperate attempt at survival. You, too swung your weapon at the first oozing body you saw. Many Gladers joined you. Spears sank into its soft flesh but that only angered it further. Roaring in anger, the monstrous body brandished its metal limbs.

"Towards the edge!" You yelled, "Push it over the edge!" Spears jabbing and prodding, the small group of you managed to force the slimy body over the precipice. Many other boys seemed to be following your lead. But your victory was short-lived as more descended upon you.

Thomas and Teresa were nearing the Hole now. The blackness, appearing to devour the end of the tunnel, seemed tantalisingly close.

More pulsating bodies came from all directions, closing in on the small group of teenagers. "We gotta get there now!" You yelled in panic.

Raising your spear once more, you ran like you had never ran before, many of the boys stopped their fights to follow. Every now and again, you were forced to stop as a Griever leapt across your path. As one went down, more seemed to appear from all directions.

Twice, one had almost hit you, but twice Newt had grabbed your hand and pulled you back. The end was so close. Freedom was so close.

A scream brought you back to reality. Jeff had been hoisted into the air and the Griever was tossing him about as if he were a rag doll. Gladers turned to help but the mechanical limbs had already tossed the body into mid air and consumed him in a single gulp.

You screamed. There was no time for grief. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Thomas and Teresa disappearing over the edge. Newt grabbed you and you jumped, hand in hand, and hurtled towards the tiny hole in the distance. You closed your eyes. . .

Then you hit something solid. Your knees buckled and you opened your eyes but everything was dark. More Gladers came tumbling through and landed in similar position. Thomas punched in the numbers, one by one.

Angry shrieks of Grievers came from above. You stood and grabbed you weapon, ready for a fight. It hit the floor, screeching in fury. More followed from behind. Thomas was yelling incoherently as he punched in the code.

Three digits to go. The Grievers spikes scraped into the stone floor.

Two digits. Newt rolled away from its horrifying body before he disappeared under a mass of pulsating slime.

One digit. The Griever jumped towards you. . .

Everything vanished. All the Gladers looked around in confusion. Silence followed. A single red light glimmered from the darkness.


"Seriously. . ." Frypan whispered in an incredulous tone.


GUYS!!!! OVER FIFTY THOUSAND READS!! FIFTY THOUSAND FREAKING READS!! AND TWO THOUSAND VOTES!! I can't even begin to say how absolutely amazed I am at how far this book had come. And it's all thanks to all of you! So thank you so much for your continued support.

I WENT TO A SUPERNATURAL CONVENTION!!! Anyone from the Supernatural fandom here? I met Misha, Adam Fergus, Mark S and Mark P! They are all so lovely and funny. It was Adam's first con which is amazing that I got be a part of it. I just want to go back! Plus, Misha winked at me when I got my autograph. AHHH!! Sorry. . .

Hope you enjoyed!

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