Chapter 12: The Checkup

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It'd been a week since John's escape and a tension had filled the Mill. Even the nurses and janitors tiptoed around like they were trying to avoid stepping on glass. Carly sat in her car the engine still running as she tried to calm her nerves. She wiped her sweaty palms against her pale blue scrubs. Her hands shook as she breathed closing her eyes.

Breathe. Just breathe. It's going to work. It has to. What if doesn't? What if I get caught? They'll kill me. I'm dead. Why bother? We're all dead. Oh no. No. I can't do this. Calm. Remain calm. Breathe. It's going to work.

Today was Megan's check-up and Carly could barely contain her nerves. She would only have to see a handle full of patients before heading out for Megan's appointment. Carly turned off the ignition dropping the keys onto the floorboard because her hands wouldn't stop shaking. She reached down the grab the keys and stepped out of her car with her hands still shaking as she stood next to her door for a moment to gather herself.

Breathe. It's ok. I'll be ok. Simple. It's a simple enough task. You've got this. If only I believed that.

The front doors of the building slid open as Carly ringed her hands together trying to hide that her hands were shaking. An invisible pressure was pushing down on her almost as if eyes were watching her every move or so she thought. A small bead of sweat dripped down the back of her neck as she headed straight for the bathroom. The jaws theme music played in her head as she pushed open the bathroom door. Duh---Duh--Duh--Duh-Duh-Duh-Duh-Duh. The internal music only grew with each step she took towards the mirror. 

Letting out a sigh Carly stared into the mirror giving herself a pep talk "You've got this Carly. You are the only one. Pull yourself together and go out there. The team is counting on you." 

A toilet flushed as another woman exited the stall. 

Crap. Crap.

Giving Carly an awkward look the woman quietly washed her hands and said, "Evaluations are the worst, you'll do fine." 

The woman gave Carly a reassuring nod and exited the room. Carly sighed in relief.

Thank God she. Just relax.

Carly gathered herself and headed to check in and picked up the paperwork that she needed for Megan's checkup. Carly slipped in the extra sheet at the end of the stack that had the message. I have never seen the Green Run, but I have seen the face of beauty. You know your mission. Stay ready for the storm. They have ears.


Knocking on the large door Rutherford stood in the doorway that made him look smaller as he asked, "Sir, did you get the device on her badge?"

"Yes, she left me a note the other day asking me and her mother to come over for dinner. We had dinner with her last night and I secured the device to her badge." Replied Jude looking up at Rutherford from behind his desk.

Nodding Rutherford responded, "I guess all that is left to do now Mr. King is to wait."

Leaning back in his large chair putting his hands behind his head Jude replied, "Yes, time will tell."


"Today's the day." Stated Joanie walking into the room.

The room looked similar to the inside of a submarine with its poor lighting and rusty steel walls. There were three listening stations in the room with a small walkway inside the leaky room. Joanie paced nervously as June and Norma sat behind computers with headsets on. June had one hand on her headset listening carefully as her other hand, jotted down quick notes. Norma pushed down her glasses from her head as she turned to face Joanie. 

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