Chapter 15: Marry Me?

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Joanie was staring at the bare wall watching a spider crawl through one of the cracks as a hot tear slid down her cheek. He was too young. I should've. It was my respo--. I cou--. Stupid. Get it together. 

Coming back to reality Sal cleared his throat and asked, "So, what did you need?"

Shaking her head as she came out of her daze Joanie smacked the tear away and replied, "Oh yeah, I need you to deliver a package to Megan."

"Are you sure this will work? I mean Megan has been out of the game a while." asked Sal curiously with a look of surprise on his face.

I hope. We need it to. 

"Well yes and no. She hasn't been active, but she is our best candidate for an inside job. Everyone else either went underground or fled the country when they passed the age limit. Most have been out too long to be in shape for an inside job. Megan is the best option we've had in several years." Joanie explained.

Nodding Sal replied "Ok, I haven't been on the action side of things in a long time. I've only heard the rumors around the office that HQ was working on a possible undercover job."

"Yeah, this has been in the works for a long time now. So what I need you to do is deliver a letter to Megan at her house. Can you do that?" Joanie replied.

Ha. Can I make a simple drop. Ha. Really? 

Laughing at Joanie's doubt Sal said "Why do you ever doubt me, Jo? Don't you know me well enough to know I can deliver a simple package?"

I know you can do it. Stupid. I just. I don't want you to get caught. Idiot. 

Shrugging Joanie replied, "I don't know, I just get nervous thinking of putting someone in danger."

The truth. Finally. 

Smirking Sal said, "Oh I'm flattered Jo, but I'm a big boy I can handle myself."

So was Julian. But. I can't lose someone else.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Sal. Why were you here anyway?" Joanie responded with a questioning look on her face.

"Marj called me and said that you'd need help delivering a package. I thought she'd told you I'd be here." Sal shrugged.

Shaking her head Joanie replied, "Of course she did." Lowering her voice "always trying to fix everyone's problems."

"That's what she does Jo. She picks up the broken pieces and puts them back together the best she can. She's been doing it since we were kids." Replied Sal quietly.

Fixing. I don't need her to meddle. Ugh. 

"I know Sal. She means well I just don't need fixing is all." Joanie softly responded turning to face the wall.

Giving Joanie a condescending look of disbelief Sal responded: "Right, and I'm Bozo the clown."

Turning her head abruptly Joanie replied sternly "I'm sick of everyone trying to fix me, Sal. I'm not a broken vase that you can just glue back together. I'm a grown woman who deals with her problems on her own time." Her face was blood red with anger.

I can handle my. I'm a big girl. I'm sick of everyone trying to fix me like. Like it will make a difference. Nothing will fix it. I can't be fixed. I'm a. Focus. Get it together. 

Calmly reaching his hand out across the table Sal continued "Jo, she's just worried about you and I'm worried."

Ha. You have a great way of showing it. Worried. You ran away when it goes too hard. I was left to pick up the pieces. Worried. Stupid. You've never cared. 

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