Chapter 27

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Marjorie was listening to her recordings from the bug and was yawning as she listened to the endless conversations that Malarch had. Then she heard something odd like an echo of footsteps but that was the only noise. Usually there were lots of other voices in the background but all she heard were footsteps. She thought it was odd but she dismissed it and took the headset off to stretch her neck.

"This is so boring. I mean this guy does nothing interesting at least the President sang in the shower, but this guy is way too serious." Complained Marjorie as she was rubbing her neck.

"I know it stinks Marj but we have to make sure nothing important happens." Replied Joanie looking at Marjorie.

Pointing towards Norma and June, Marjorie continued "At least they have interesting things to listen to. Mine is like hearing a dictionary being read aloud."

Yawning Marjorie put her headset back on and listened. "See now he's just getting a report from some guy about the Mill tour. Probably more boring information to come." Said Marjorie as she lifted up on side of her headset.

Sighing Joanie replied "I know Marj you've tol---"                                                 

Marjorie interrupted Joanie "SHHHH!"

She listened to the conversation and her eyes widened as she listened. Joanie looked confused as she saw Marjorie's eyes widen. Marjorie ripped the headset off and looked at Joanie with her mouth open.

"What?" asked Joanie frantically.

"You're never going to believe it."

"What?" asked Joanie more urgently.

Marjorie said slowly "The Vice President is." Joanie was listening intently waiting for Marjorie to finish. "He is a part of the Mill. It's not the President."

In shock Joanie's eyes widened and she gasped. "You're kidding right? There's no way it's not the President."

"No seriously. He asked his guy if the President had any idea." Replied Marjorie.

Joanie was stunned she didn't know how to responded. They had always assumed that the President was had connections to the Mill but never the Vice President.

"I guess it's a good thing that bug of yours moved." Joanie said.

"I know what dumb luck." Replied Marjorie.

"Well I guess now we will need to pay closer attention to the Vice President's bug to see what else develops. HQ is going to be very pleased to hear about this." Joanie said as she picked up the phone.

Walking into the room Sal asked "Pleased about what?"

Joanie was on the phone and Marjorie whispered "The Vice President is connected to the Mill and not the President."

Raising his eyebrows Sal looked at Marjorie and replied "Really?"

"Yes and it seems the President has no idea." Replied Marjorie.

Joanie was listened to the phone ring as she waited for someone to pick up.

"Frontline Insurance how may I help you?" asked the voice on the other side.

"I need to discuss my policy Sam, Alpha, Locus." Replied Joanie barely containing her excitement.

The phone played music as she waited for someone to pick up the line.

"Agent 22 what is the purpose of your call?" asked the voice

"I have intel that the boss will want to hear." Replied Joanie as her anticipation grew.

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