Chapter 19: Missed You

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Slamming the chair under the table Joanie paced what little floor space there was in the cramped room. We're screwed. It's over. She rubbed her forehead and mumbled to herself "This is not good. Not good."

Norma and June backed out of the room quiet as mice in order to avoid the full blast of Joanie's frustrations. Think. Think. What to do. How do we? What about? No. Time. Every time. Nothing ever goes as planned. Why? Why can't it just be easy? Safe. She's dead.

Joanie began to pace faster as she tried to think of a solution. Sal stood in the corner with his arms crossed watching as Joanie continued to pace the floor. 

Idiot. Why can't you just? Think. Think. Think. Think. 

Joanie began to hit herself in the head saying "Think. Think. What do we do?"

"Jo, look at me." 

Sal moved from his corner towards Jo. Still pacing and hitting her head Joanie didn't notice Sal as he moved into her space. Sal stopped in front of Jo's path and rose his voice breaking Joanie out of her haze of panic "Jo!" 

Jo froze in place with her hand rubbing the now sore spot on her forehead. Nothing. I've got nothing. 

With a look of defeat, Jo stared at Sal. Sal took a step closer now only a breath separated the pair. Never losing her gaze, Sal wrapped his hands around Jo's face. Leaning down Sal's grayish blonde locks tickled Jo's forehead while his lips lingered for a moment hovering over her's inviting her to separate the paper thin gap between their lips. 

I hate when he looks at me like that. 

Sucking in a breath Jo could taste the spearmint toothpaste as her lips broke the gap. 

I missed you. No one ever looked at me the way you did. No one saw me. They all saw my imperfections. Don't leave. Please. 

Sal was the first to break their connection leaving Joanie with a look of confusion. 

"Jo, you need to breathe. Megan knew the risks. She can handle herself."

Jo grabbed the collar of Sal's shirt and pulled him back to herself as their lips locked once more. "Don't leave me."


"I missed you."

"I know."

"Did you?"

"I mean look at me. I'd miss me too."

Jo broke their connection to swat a hand at Sal's arm. 

Jo leaned onto Sal's shoulder as she mumbled, "Idiot."

"But I'm your idiot."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I love you."

"I love you too." 

After a few moments, Joanie continued,  "I don't know what to do."

"You've prepared for this?" asked Sal.

Nodding Joanie replied "Yes."

"And Megan has prepared for this?" Sal asked tilting his head to look into Joanie's eyes.

"Yes," Joanie responded.

"Then you'll be ok. You're prepared. The timetable has just moved forward." Sal said with confidence.

"Yeah to three days from now." Replied Joanie looking concerned

"That just means you'll learn what's going on sooner," Sal explained.

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