Chapter 9: Old Wounds

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Joanie stayed up all night updating paperwork, contacting HQ, answering John's never-ending questions, and worrying about working with Sal again. After a long night, she gathered her things from the table in front of her and exited the room. As she was walking to her bunk for some much-needed rest. Her mind began to wander.

A young woman with her long black hair pulled back walked towards a table. At the table, a small woman with blonde curls smiled at the waitress as she arrived. The man across from her had a mischievous grin on his face as he ran a hand through his dirty blonde locks. The waitress pulled out her notepad, clicked her pen and looked into the man's bluish green eyes and asked, "What would like to order?"

Replying to the waitress the young man smiled a little to his companion "I'll have the steak with fries."

"How would you like your steak?" The waitress asked as she wrote down the order.

The man paused giving the waitress a sly grin before responding, "Rare, like your beauty." 

The waitress scoffed, "Not as rare as your cockiness." 

The waitress brushed off the man's comment as she turned to the woman, "And what will you be having Marj?"

Barely containing her amusement Marjorie smiled as her brother's face was turning red from embarrassment. She replied between her laughter "I'll have— excuse me."

"I'll have a burger and fries, Joanie." Replied Marjorie as she tried to contain her laughter tears streamed down her cheeks.

Closing her notepad Jo smiled, "Ok, guys I'll have that out soon." 

As Joanie walked away Marjorie lost control of her laughter and Joanie could hear Marjorie saying "Sal you--- you--- I can't even."

Marjorie yelled for Joanie to stop, startling Joanie out of her daze.

Halting her steps Joanie turned and answered "Speak of the devil, Marjorie. I was just thinking about the first time I meet Sal at the diner."

Laughing Marjorie replied "God, I had forgotten about that. You know when you walked away he was so ashamed, but I think he was more impressed by your quick response. I think he fell for you that day."

Ha. He sure has a way of showing it. He left and. Focus. 

"Yeah well, anyways why did you stop me?" Joanie asked.

"Oh, you need to go see Sal. He has some new info that has developed concerning Megan. He said he needs your help figuring out how to handle the situation." Replied Marjorie.

Seriously? This better be worth it. I'll never sleep. 

Sighing Joanie asked, "And he couldn't figure this out by himself?"

"No, I guess not," Marjorie replied shrugging her shoulders.

Wrinkling her forehead Joanie sighed as rubbed her nose and replied. "I guess I'm not getting any sleep or a shower."

Just what I need. Always cleaning up other people's messes. 

Feeling bad Marjorie replied "Sorry Joanie."

"It's ok I'll handle it," Joanie replied patting Marjorie on the shoulder.

I need a drink. 

Walking off to the exit Joanie rolled her eyes as she thought how long it was going to take to get to Sal's.

This is going to take. Gah. Men. Freaking. Gah. Why can't he handle this on his own?

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