Chapter 23

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Megan was finishing up with her appointment when she heard the crowd cheering outside of the building. The doctor said "I guess that means the President has left."

"Yes I assume it does." Megan replied as the doctor took a small blood sample.

"Ok, Mrs. Garvey we are all finished. I hope that you have a great rest of the day." Said the doctor as he stood up to leave.

"Ok thank you Doctor." Replied Megan

Megan made her way out of the building slowly knowing that the traffic would be crazy. Making her through the mass of bodies out front Megan searched for her car. She found her car and started to make her way out of the parking lot slowly. Driving slowly as the ocean of people walking parted into a pathway Megan found the exit. She drove home through the bumper to bumper traffic and made it home. She pulled into her garage and entered her house. Dropping her purse on the floor she pulled off her shoes and walked into her living room rubbing her eyes. She flicked on the light switch and 

"SURPRISE!" erupted the large group of people hiding in the darkness.

Megan screamed as her eyes shot wide open and she started to stumble backwards. Her family was standing in her living room holding a cake for her birthday. Noticing that they had startled her one of her children came over to led her into the living room. They walked over to the couch and sat Megan down.

"Sorry mom. We didn't mean to scare you. We just wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well it was a surprise alright."  Replied Megan laughing

Megan and her family celebrated late into the night. Slowly everyone left until Megan was finally alone again. She waved goodbye to the last group and walked back into her living room to sit down. Sighing as she flopped onto the couch Megan fell asleep quickly.


Walking into the control room Marjorie asked "Hey June anything interesting yet?"

"Not really just the tour and a conference with the Vice President. Not much else so far. I assumed that something would happen during the tour, but maybe they did something before the bug was placed." Replied June taking off the headset and rubbing her neck.

"Oh well, I was really hoping we would get something today." Marjorie replied slumping her shoulders.

Pulling out the chair next to her June motioned for Marjorie to sit. "Well it has only been in place since this morning, but can you imagine the political scandals we might pick up with this bad boy."

Nodding her head in agreement Marjorie responded "I know, but we really have to be on the lookout for any discussion about the Mill."

Sighing June responded "I know, but it sure would be funny to see the Presidents face if he knew we heard everything he said. I mean you missed it earlier. I think he was showering and boy was he singing his heart out."

Laughing Marjorie asked "Did you tape it?"

Smiling mischievously June pulled out a tape and held it up replying "Nooooo."

Amused Marjorie clapped in excitement "Oh goodness I can't wait to hear this."

June put the tape into the player and pressed the play button.

There was a sound of a faucet turning on as the man on the tape began to hum slightly. The shower could be heard turning on and the sound of a curtain closing. The man on the tape burst out full heartily into song. "Anddddd IiiiiEEEEIIII will always looooveee youuuuuuu." The man continued on singing various bits of songs. "You can't touch this!" There was a large thud on the tape as the President said "Crap. Stupid soap." Sarcastically the President continued "Always so slippery aren't you." The sound of the shower cutting off ended the tape.

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