Chapter 26

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.- .-. .-. .. ...- . -.. / .- - / -- .. .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / -. --- / ... .. --. -. / --- ..-. / --. ..- .- .-. -.. ... .-.-.- / -.-. .- -- . .-. .- / --- ..- - ... .. -.. . / .-. --- --- -- .-.-.- / -.. .-. .-.-.- / - .- -.-- .-.. --- .-. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / -.-. --- -. - .- -.-. - .-.-.- / .- --. . -. - / ..--- ..--- / .-. . .- -.. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / .-. . ... .--. --- -. ... . .-.-.-

June began to write down the message as she received it. Joanie was standing behind her waiting to hear the message and give a response. June turned around and read the message. "Arrived at Mill. No sign of guards. Camera outside room. Dr. Taylor only contact. Agent 22 ready for response."

Joanie nodded along as June read the message to her and thought of her response.

"Ok send this. Good. Keep watching. Keep us updated." Joanie replied

June turned around to send the message as Joanie watched over her shoulder. Feeling claustrophobic June said "A little room please."

"Oh sorry June." Replied Joanie as she stepped back.


--. --- --- -.. .-.-.- / -.- . . .--. / .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. .-.-.- / -.- . . .--. / ..- ... / ..- .--. -.. .- - . -.. .-.-.-

Megan was laying listening to the response and decoding it in her mind "Good. Keep watching. Keep us updated."

She nodded to the message even though no one could see her. Megan thought of how she was going to find out any information. The doctor she had seemed nice and naive enough for her to manipulate some answers from. She thought of how she would convince him to tell her anything. She could play up the innocent old lady act and see if that got her anywhere.


Jude was sitting at his desk rubbing his forehead when Rutherford came in. He noticed Jude was not pleased to see him and decided to be careful what he said concerning the wife.

"Sir, we have not received any new information on the husband's disappearance but his wife does seem to have an interesting history. She went to an Ivy League college, but then she worked in the insurance business." Said Rutherford looking through his notes.

"And? Where are you going with this Rutherford?" asked Jude irritated.

"Well it just struck me as odd that she would go to such a high level institution and then work in insurance." Replied Rutherford

"Yeah well maybe she didn't do well." Replied Jude

"Actually Sir she was a straight A student, but she left abruptly during her final year." continued Rutherford.

"Then something must've happened. Maybe she had a family emergency and had to quit." Replied Jude growing less and less interested.

"Yes that's what I thought sir, but it seems that she has no family. She just quit like that." Said Rutherford snapping his fingers.

"Ok, but I still don't see where you're going with this Rutherford." Jude responded

"Sir I think she is hiding something and I don't trust that she didn't have any involvement in her husband's disappearance." Replied Rutherford.

"And what would you suggest? That I ask Mrs. Garvey? If she is smart she won't let on and if she knows nothing then I have wasted my time Rutherford." Said Jude angrily

"I think that you should just keep an eye on her." Rutherford replied with a warning tone.

"Right like I'm not already doing that. Rutherford you should know better than to question my intelligence." Responded Jude standing up and gritting his teeth. 


"Joanie I think you might want to hear this." Said Norma lifting off her headset and handing it over to Joanie.

Joanie listened into the headset and could hear the two men talking about Megan. She looked concerned and pulled off the headset.

"That's not good. Norma you need to keep me up to date on what happens with those two. I'm not so sure they're a threat to Megan at the moment, but they could cause a problem." Joanie said as she handed the headset back to Norma.


The Vice President was walking down the hallway when he spotted someone he needed to speak with. He made eye contact with the man and stepped into a side room. The other man saw the Vice President and followed him. As the man entered the room he could not see the Vice President in site, but when he turned the corner Malarch was standing next to the bookcase. The man walked up beside the Vice President and looked at the books. Malarch scanned the room before he pulled one of the books from the shelf and the shelf moved to open up to a secret hallway. The two men stepped inside and walked along the passageway. They came to a room with a video chair and video screen in the center of the room. The room was poorly lit and Malarch moved to turn on more lights. As the other lights flickered to life he spoke "Braen I trust that you have finished your report for me."

"Yes sir, Mr. King seems to have the Mill running up to your standards." Replied Braen.

"And what about the extended tour?" asked Malarch cryptically.

"Yes sir the Mill is running in tip top shape. There were no problems I could see. I would say Mr. King's mishap is his only flaw thus far." Responded Braen

Walking over towards the chair Malarch continued "And the President knows nothing of your extended tour?"

Following Malarch the man replied "No your plan worked beautifully. Mr. King offered his conference room for your meeting and that gave me an opportunity to have a private tour of the facility."

"Very well, Braen now I must decide how to handle Mr. King and his situation." Replied Malarch thinking as he sat down in the chair.

"I would suggest that he is still capable of doing his job. He has been working for us for twenty plus years now and there have been no issues." Said Braen as he stood with his hands behind his back.

"Yes that is true but that was never the plan. He was only supposed to be in place for a short time, but he became useful so we kept him where he is." Replied Malarch.

Malarch sat in his chair thinking of what he should do with Jude King. He wondered if he had served he should remove Mr. King or leave him in his position. It was a difficult decision considering his loyalty for so long. 

Quietly Malarch mumbled "I guess he will stay for now."

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