Chapter 28

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Jude sat at his desk thinking of how he was going to handle the situation now that Mrs. Garvey was in the facility and there had been no attacks. He wondered what he should do next. Rutherford had said that she went to an Ivy League but hadn't finished. That was odd, but nothing to worry over. Jude thought she had some valid reason for quitting, but it was strange no the less. She was obviously intelligent which meant she shouldn't be underestimated. He may look innocent, but perhaps there is more to her than he originally thought. Jude stood from his chair and approached the bookshelf and pulled the book. As he punched in his code he thought it couldn't hurt to ask the woman some questions. He entered the elevator and rode it down as he considered what he should ask.  I should just be straight with her ask her flat out if she was involved. No that wouldn't do I she is involved she would never confess at least verbally perhaps if I skirted the subject she would give me a clue she is not what she seems. The elevator opened and Jude exited walking down the hallway searching for Mrs. Garvey's room. Reaching her room he let out a deep breath and opened the door. As he entered the room Megan sat up in to see who was entering.

"Who are you?" she asked

"My name is Mr. King and I run this facility." Jude responded.

"Hmm you look vaguely familiar." She continued as she looked him over.

"You may have seen me during your previous visits to the facility."

Megan thought of her previous visits and thought it was the most logical explanation. 

Nodding her head she responded "Yeah that was probably it."

"So, Mrs. Garvey as you may have realized your husband was scheduled to come in a month before you."

Megan's body stiffened slightly before she responded "Yes I know that."

"Well Mrs. Garvey I just wanted to welcome you to our facility and make sure that you were adjusting well." Replied Jude as he turned to leave the room.

"Wait is he here?" replied Megan pleading.

Turning to respond "I am not at liberty share that information with you Mrs. Garvey."

Megan's eyes moved as she thought to herself. He's bluffing because he wants to see your reaction, but what if he's not. No he is bluffing. Looking concerned Megan asked again "Is he here? I know he was scheduled to be here, but is he still here?"

Seeing that the woman was on the verge of tears Jude saw the look of despair in her eyes. He believed she was truly only concerned that her husband was still living in this nightmare of a place. He collected his thoughts before he responded "I am not at liberty to say." He quickly stepped out of the room as Mrs. Garvey began to scream loudly at him "WHERE IS HE?"

Megan continued to scream as loud as she could until she felt that Jude had moved far enough away. She slowly let her screams die down until she stopped and sat quietly thinking to herself. I think that I have fooled him but I will need to be careful. He is smarter than the others. He seemed to know that I shouldn't be underestimated. I will need to rest so that I am ready for whatever they throw at me tomorrow. That was too close he was able to wavier my knowledge of John's safety.


Jude could hear Megan continuing to scream as he walked back to the elevator. He thought she had given him a small sign she knew something of her husband's disappearance, but he was uncertain if she truly was playing with them or if she knew more. He would need to keep a close eye on her. He made his way back to his office to find Rutherford waiting for him.

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