Chapter 5: Welcome to Popeye's

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"Have the police found them Rutherford?" asked Mr. King, looking up as Rutherford entered the room.

Shaking his head Rutherford quietly responded, "No sir. They have road blocks up but have had no luck."

"Hmm." Was all that Mr. King could muster up as he pursed his lips and glared at the wall above Rutherford's head, making Rutherford feel smaller than he already was.

Mr. King thought, How did this happen? The Board is ... Well, they're not going to be happy. Ha. I'm screwed.

Seeing Mr. King's displeasure Rutherford tried to ease his mind as he continued, "I'm sure they will be found. It would be impossible for them t—"

Mr. King interrupted Rutherford as he rose from his chair, frustration and anxiety rising with him, "Impossible? They've already proven that the impossible is possible. Double the checks and send out helicopters. Find them."

"Ok, sir," Rutherford replied, nodding his head making his hair move slightly.

Rutherford left the room in a rush to give the new orders. Quickly moving down the corridor he looked like a madman with his hair flopping and dark circles under his eyes. Rutherford came to a halt at the end of the hall and burst into the CONTROL room. Slurs were being hurled left and right. People were screaming into phones demanding answers and a man sat crying in the corner.

"Quiet!" Rutherford screamed.

The entire room turned in unison to the loud command. No one dared make a peep. The small man did not look like much, but the group knew not to underestimate him.

Lowering his voice, Rutherford cleared his throat before continuing, "Now, everyone, Mr. King wants to double the road checks and send out the helicopters."

The workers set off to intensify their search, but the escapee was in the wind.


Dust began turning up as the vehicles pulled onto a dirt road. Trees swayed in the wind as the group rolled down the road, bumping up and down on the uneven terrain causing the passengers to bounce around as if they were on a rollercoaster. The sky had grown dark and a cool breeze came through cracked windows, giving the passengers some much needed fresh air. The noise of static cut through the silence.

Joanie glanced over to find Sal, messing with the radio dials.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Sal, would you quit messing with that infernal thing."

"Well, someone's a sour puss. You've got to lighten up. You're a sight for sore eyes and we've barely spoken the entire ride." Sal said as he sighed shaking his head.

Joanie scoffed and retorted, "Just because I take my job seriously doesn't make me a 'sour puss'. I'm trying to keep people safe."

Sal squinted as he moved his hand above his brow looking outside the windshield and replied "Wow. Really? We're in the middle of nowhere and you're still worrying. Some things never change. You worry too much."

"Oh, I suppose that is what you thought in Vegas. I worry too much, but guess who was right? Hmm? Who do you think Sal? Me." Joanie replied putting an emphasis on the last word.

Sal shook his head as he responded, "Nothing I say can change what happened. You need to m----"

"Stop!" screamed Norma.

Slamming on the brakes Joanie gritted her teeth, Sal's face froze in shock and Norma braced herself, gripping her seatbelt. Tires squealed as the vehicles came to a halt with only inches to spare, a sign to the right read 'dead end.' The dust from the abrupt stop hit a force field in front of the cars. The force field shimmered a slight pale blue under the light coming from the headlights of the SUV. Joanie exited the SUV and approached the other vehicle.

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