Chapter 20: Surprise Visitor

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Joanie opened the door to see Carly looking at her surprised. 

"Come in." 

Carly stepped through the doorway and looked at Joanie curiously wondering why she was over.

"So, you're here to see Sal?" Joanie asked cocking her head up with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Yeah, is he here?" Carly asked.

"Actually he's out running errands or something. Can I help you with anything?" replied Joanie noticing the concern on Carly's face.

Fidgeting in her place Carly was not certain what to say. "Well, I guess so."

Joanie motioned for Carly to follow her into the living room. Sitting down on the couch Carly tried to calm her nerves. She put her hands on her lap looking down at the floor. 

Her body language radiated her discomfort. "I don't bite, I promise," Joanie said breaking the awkward silence crossing her heart causing Carly to smile. Letting out a breath Carly began to explain her interaction with Dr. Taylor.

"I was trying to see if I could get any more information, but he caught me following him. He told me to leave it alone and that he didn't like that part of his job. He said that my father wouldn't be able to help me because the bosses were upset. He assured me that he wasn't going to turn me in, but I'm not so certain. What should I do?" Carly took in a breath as she finished speaking.

Joanie thought for a moment and replied "Well, it sounds like he likes you. I don't know for sure that he won't expose you, but I don't believe he will. I would just play it safe and not draw any unwanted attention to yourself." 

Carly sighed and seemed more at ease after Joanie told her it was likely Dr. Taylor would not expose her.

 Carly was feeling bold and asked, "So you and Sal, what's going on there?"

Taken aback by Carly's question Joanie was speechless for a moment before she sighed and explained. Sal and I have known each other for a very long time and most people barely know me with the exception of Sal and Marjorie. We used to be a team when we were younger. Marjorie was the brains she was in charge of everything tech. Sal well he's good with people and can talk his way out of almost anything. We were the eyes most people don't look twice at a beautiful woman thinking she's a spy and most people overlooked Sal because he was such a goofy guy. We worked well as a pair because so many people dismissed us thinking we were incapable of outwitting them. I must say I'm quite proud of myself for making many men look like fools for underestimating me. And Julian he was the charmer, he could charm anyone with his quick wit and good looks. He was a great agent." 

Carly noticed that Joanie paused after mentioning Julian, but thought it best to leave it alone. Joanie continued "We were a great team; everyone in the company wanted to work with us because of our success rate in finding information and sources. That was until Vegas. We lost Julian and I slowly pushed everyone out. He was the only family I had left and I couldn't handle the loss. Sal and I were close before Vegas, but after that mission, I pushed everyone away. It was a slow painful road of driving away Sal. Marjorie stuck around, but Sal left after I told him. I told him I didn't love him."

Sal walked into the house to hear Joanie talking about Vegas. I should stay out of the way for now. 

Carly was surprised by Joanie's honesty and held out her hand to grasp Joanie's. 

Joanie reached out and Carly squeezed Joanie's hand as she responded: "Wow,  I'm truly sorry."

Joanie wiped a tear from her eye and replied, "Thank you, Carly. You can't tell Sal, but he's the only reason that I live. He's the only person that I have left in this world. I know that I don't admit it, but I love him."

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