Chapter 25

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A white ambulance pulled into the driveway and two doctors exited. They approached the house slowly taking their time. Megan was waiting at the door for them as they reached out for the doorbell. Before they could ring the bell Megan swung the door open and moved so that they could enter. She led them into her living room where she sat down on the couch next to the glass of water. Quietly one of the doctor's pulled out the pill and handed it over to Megan. She took the pill willingly without a fight. Swallowing the pill with a swig of water Megan laid her head back and closed her eyes. She let herself float away into the darkness. The two doctors stood over her and waited several minutes before checking her pulse.

Checking for a pulse one of the doctors said "Ok she's under go get the stretcher."

Nodding the other doctor quickly retrieved the stretcher and they lifted Megan onto it. They wheeled her out of the house and loaded up the ambulance. As the ambulance pulled out of the driveway the black van stirred to life.


"Ok they're pulling out now." Said the driver to the back of the van.

The van was packed with a fully armed team. They all sat holding their firearms at the ready. One of them checked that the safety was off and ready to go. The group seemed anxious as they pulled forward following the ambulance.


"Do you think they will try to attack us again?" asked one of the doctors.

The armed man in the back replied "We have orders. Now do your job and I'll do mine."

The ambulance continued on its trek back to the Mill. The ride was quiet but there was a tension in the air as they turned off of the highway. They were almost to the Mill, but near the last attack. The doctors held their breath collectively as they passed by the last attack. As they passed they exhaled in relief. The tension was still high until the Mill was in site. The doctors were scanning their surrounding for any signs of attack, but there was nothing. They pulled into the unloading bay and exited the ambulance. The van pulled in closely behind as the team of armed guards quickly exited into a formation guarding the ambulance. They unloaded Megan's body and wheeled her inside. As they entered the facility with their guard dogs lookers on were stunned by the spectacle. They wheeled Megan into the autopsy room. Jude came walking down the hallway looking irritated. He walked up to one of the guards and tore into him "What is the meaning of this?" he asked furious.

Stammering the guard replied "Si—Sir we were told to guard this transport."

Lowering his voice Jude was right in the guards face as he quietly replied "You idiot. You made a scene that I now have to explain. You have put me into a difficult position." Looking down at the man's name he looked back up and continued "Johnson, you need to remove your team now."

Nodding the man quickly signaled for his team to move out. The team moved out in formation quickly like dogs with their tails tucked. The onlookers followed the unfolding scene in curiosity as they watched Jude tell the group to leave. Once the team had left they stared at Jude wanting an explanation. Jude cleared his throat as he began to explain. "As you may remember we had an attack on one of our ambulances. Well the patient that was just transported here happens to be the wife of that stolen patient. I felt it necessary to put added protection in case the attacker were directing their attacks on this specific family. They were not supposed to enter the facility seeing as we have ample security and I did not want to cause any alarm. I am sorry for any confusion this may have caused."

The group of people in front of Jude nodded their acceptance of his explanation and dispersed back their jobs. Jude walked back to the autopsy room and entered. A doctor was looking down at Megan and taking notes as she mumbled to herself. Jude walked up to the woman and watched as she wrote down everything she was seeing. She recorded Megan's height, weight and even her eye color. After she was finished she stuck a needle filled with an unknown liquid into Megan's arm. The doctor looked up at Jude when she was done and said "Mr. King she is ready to be moved now."  Nodding Jude walked over the door label supply closet and opened the door. The two of them wheeled Megan over to the room and entered quietly. The doctor left the room and Jude continued on over to a wall where he pressed the center.

"Name." said a computer voice.

"Jude King." Replied Jude.

"Password." Stated the voice

"The old die so that the young may live." Replied Jude

The wall began to shift as it opened up to show the elevator behind. Jude wheeled Megan onto the elevator and pressed the button. As the elevator descended Jude looked down at Megan and thought she seemed peaceful. The doors opened up and there was a doctor waiting for them.

"Dr. Taylor this is your newest patient." Said Jude as he and the doctor wheeled Megan out of the elevator.

They came to a room label patient 6353. They pushed Megan inside the room and moved her onto the new bed. Fixing the restraints to her arms and legs Dr. Taylor hooked her up to the heart monitor and an IV. After they finished the two men exited the room. Standing outside of the room Jude quietly said to Dr. Taylor "This patient is special. Watch her closely."

"Yes sir." Replied Dr. Taylor as he nodded.

Jude left as Dr. Taylor walked back into the room. He stood by Megan's bed looking at her as she came to. She began to flutter her eyes open and looking around the room anxiously when she spotted Dr. Taylor she looked confused.

"Mrs. Garvey I presume. I am Dr. Taylor and I will be your doctor for the entirety of your stay here." Said Dr. Taylor calmly.

Megan tried to move her arms but soon realized she was restrained. Once she realized she was restrained she looked back at the doctor with anger.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asked fuming

"Well Mrs. Garvey, I am your doctor and I will be taking care of you." Replied Dr. Taylor

Looking down at the restrains Megan replied sarcastically "Yeah taking care of me."

"Now Mrs. Garvey there is no need for this hostility. I am fully aware that this is not an ideal situation, but it is the best you are going to get." Responded Dr. Taylor giving Megan a look of compassion.

Megan could sense that this doctor was saying only what he was allowed to say. She thought he seemed nice enough, but still her enemy. She decided to push for answers. Changing her demeanor she made herself look scared and sweet as she asked "What are you going to do to me?"

Sighing the doctor replied "I know this is scary Mrs. Garvey, but I promise your time here will not be terrible."

She quietly lowered her head and looked defeated. The doctor tried to assure her that it wasn't all bad but she knew there was something very wrong with this place. She just played along until the doctor left. She laid back in her bed and scanned the area. The room was small with the bed and machines hooked up to her. The walls were bare and painted a dull white. There were windows in front of her room revealing a hallway that was well lite but she could see any other rooms. She could hear someone moaning close by and assumed there must be another patient room next to hers. There was no visible sign of guards out front, but there was a camera point at the door of her room. No one walked by the windows meaning there was little movement other than her own doctor. They must have assigned areas so there is little to no traffic in front of the patients. Megan closed her eyes and let it all sink in as she began to send her report.

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