Chapter 21

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It's going to be ok. It has to be.

Jude and Rutherford were standing in the front lobby waiting for the President's arrival. Rutherford was flipping through pages on his clipboard checking to make sure everything was in order.

Little droplets of spit spatter across the walkie as Rutherford barked, "Everyone better be in place."

Jude stood with his hands held together behind his back seemingly calm on this outside.

Breathe. Just breathe. Calm. You must remain calm. You're on a serene. Who am I kidding? I'm screwed. I'm dead. Kindra and Carly. How did I get into this mess? Why do I even work here? I'm a good person, right? I don't even know anymore.

The crowd outside had been growing since the early morning hours. They were all awaiting the arrival of the President and Jude could feel their anticipation oozing through the door. The security guards were all lined up at the sidewalk holding back the ocean of people all craning to catch a glimpse of the road. The mass went silent as a large caravan pulled into the area.

Jude could hear a chopper hovering above the building and caught a brief glance of the gunmen scanning the crowd cautiously. Several large black SUVs pulled into the facility and almost twenty armed men filed out of the vehicles. They lined up facing the crowd with their weapons at the ready; the crowd quieted. The gunman in the chopper put his finger to his ear and gave the all clear. A smaller cluster of vehicles pulled up to the front of the building as the other SUVs pulled out. Secret services agents exited the front car and walked to the limo in the middle. A large behemoth of a man opened the door to the limo.

A well-built, middle-aged man stepped out of the limo, raising his right hand in acknowledgment of the crowd. Seeing the man the crowd erupted into a roar of cheers as the man exited the vehicle with the grace of a gazelle. The man disappeared behind a swarm of men in dark suits who began walking in unison like a marching band towards the front entrance. As they came closer to the entrance a man in the front reached out his hand to open the door. With the door open the black suits parted like water giving the man between them a small opening to enter the building. Quickly entering behind the man the men in suits scanned the lobby for any unwanted movement before moving forward. The middle-aged man walked forward and reached out his hand towards Jude's. Duplicating the action Jude stuck his hand out to accept the man's handshake.

"Mr. President, it is an honor."

The President took his opposite hand and covered their shaking hands and replied: "The honor is mine, Mr. King."

The President's words sent unwarranted chills down Rutherford's spine as he fidgeted trying to stay calm. The President shook Rutherford's hand and said "Good morning and your name is?"

"Good morning Mr. President. I am Rutherford." Rutherford replied as he continued to shake hands with the President

After shaking hands the President continued "So, Mr. King I hope that I've not caused too much trouble with my visit."

Shaking his head Jude responded, "Not at all, Sir,"

"Very well. So, shall we?" replied the President motioning for Mr. King to begin.

Jude moved to start the tour. They walked towards the medical wing of the facility. They walked in silence with only the click of their heels on the tile breaking the silence that hovered over them. The group stepped into a waiting room where there were only a few patients in the waiting as the tour came in. The receptionist smiled widely and stood to greet the tour.

"Hello and welcome to our medical center." Said the woman eagerly from behind her desk.

"Why, thank you miss." Replied the President nodding at the woman. The President moved away from his watchdogs and walked up to speak with a patient waiting for an appointment. The elderly woman was waiting for a routine checkup before her pill day. The President quietly approached the woman and motioned to the seat next to her asking for permission to sit "May I?" he asked. Looking surprised the woman nodded. The President sat down next to the woman as his guards flinched in disapproval of his decision. He noticed the unease of his men and gave them a warning look to stand down. The President sat down next to the woman and stuck out his hand and the woman feebly shook his hand. The President asked politely as they shook hands "What is your name ma'am?"   

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