Chapter 2- Cal

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I am on top of the world. My dream, my refuge, all of it, is meant for me. I am meant for it. Dauntless. Later that night, I stand in the line of 16 year olds, waiting to pick my faction. I know what I will pick. My Erudite home is calling me, but my mother drives me away. So its obvious. I will be brave. Even if I kill a few brain cells along the way.

She has forced me into a blue ruffled dress. I hate dresses. And I really hate dresses with ruffles. I’d rather be in jeans. A T-shirt. Dark colored. Blue or black, my two top choices. Black will be the exclusive color of my wardrobe come tomorrow, though. My mind wanders. It’s like she knew, Jenna, what faction I would choose. That I had faith in the aptitude test, I know how it works, and that its results are very accurate. She knew what I wanted to be. Brave. Free. Dauntless.

“Welcome. We are here today to celebrate the freedom of choice. The coming of age 16 year olds of our society will choose, in a few short minutes. They have the right to decide their future, their loyalties, and what they believe in.” I raise an eyebrow. Yeah, the right to pick from 5 predetermined options. Such freedom. Marcus, the head government leader from Abnegation, continues with his speech. “Our children will choose!” he says loudly. The crowd claps. Except for Dauntless. They yell and cheer and stomp their feet. I smile. That controlled chaos is another alluring factor of Dauntless. Statistics point to them. I pause in my thoughts, almost laughing at how very Erudite I sound. Ironic, really.

It seems like a blur. Names, endless name, are called as each teen steps up, cuts their hand, and chooses a faction. Transfers, or loyalists. It’s Ella’s turn. It isn’t hard to see what she will choose. She is smart, scary smart, and loves it. I have trouble seeing her in any other faction. Which is why I’m surprised when she lets her blood drip on the soil of Amity. I blink. It’s shocking, to see your friend that you knew so well, or so you thought, choose something that you never would’ve picked for them. It’s also sad. Erudite and Dauntless have much contact, but Dauntless and Amity? Almost none. The peace of Amity doesn’t mix well with the belief in fighting for what you believe in. I probably won’t ever see her again. I gaze at her as she sits down with her new faction, and smiles at me weakly. I have to tell myself to be strong, and I turn away.

“Catherine Mathews.”  Marcus calls. I breath in, then out, and step forward. It take bravery to do this. So do it, I tell myself.  The five bowls lay before me. Rocks, glass, water, soil, and coals. I take the knife, almost eagerly, for I have anticipated this moment for my whole life. I make a small cut in my hand, and am fascinated by the red blood that begins to seep out. I don’t feel pain. My nerves wouldn’t allow that. My eyes fall on the red-tinted water, and I remember my faction for one last time. I tear my eyes away and stare into the flames. That is where I belong. I thrust my hand forward, and my blood sizzles on the coals. An audible gasp rises from the audience, and cries of outrage can be heard from Erudite. They can’t believe it. The daughter of Jeanine Mathews, breed simply to be Erudite, has chosen Dauntless. I smile. I have publicly shamed my mother with this action. “Catherine!” a shrill, cold voice calls from behind me. Oh boy. I turn, my face hard. She grabs my shoulder, her steely, ice blue eyes boring holes into mine or the same color. “What are you doing?” she says, anger pouring through her words. I stare her down, refusing to say a word “Listen to me!” she shakes me. “Catherine!!” The audience is dead silent. What will I do? I curl my lip and push her off of me. “Call me Cal.” I say, my voice rough, but strong. So strong it could break obsidian. She stands there, shocked, her eyes wide. I turn on my heel, flipping my hair, and kicking off my high heels as I do so, and walk toward the Dauntless. All is silent for a moment. Then they break out in cheers, a tremendous roar. I smile, tilting my head up. They won’t forget my face now.

The Dauntless rush p the stairs after the ceremony. I go with the crowd, glad I ditched my heels. They whoop and holler as they run, wildly pouring out onto the streets. I laugh with unrestrained joy. This is what I want. This is me. I’m not the fastest, but I stay in the middle of the crowd. A train horn blares in the distance.


Sorry that was a bit short, Im sick. I have literally over 100 pgs. written, but the typing is taking forever, so sorry about that to. Did you guys like it? Comment please!

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