Chapter 23- Dauntless

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I blink, opening my eyes to the word 'Dauntless' graffitied on the wall, just as I went under. I hear clapping from behind the mirror and the side room. A warm feeling spreads in my chest as I turn to face the mirror, staring at my black clothed reflection. I did it. I faced all of my fears. I am Dauntless. At least, I am, in my opinion, deserving of it. And with my rank, I should get in just fine. A wide grin breaks over my face. I did it, I repeat. I am done.

"Only 8 fears." Zeke says, glancing over at me during Shauna's landscape. "That's almost unheard of." I shrug. But something rings a warning bell. He sounds almost suspicious. I don't think Zeke would ever turn me in... but I still have to be careful. "Not entirely." I reply as casually as I can. He grins "Almost." I sigh, but smile. Drop it. Please just stop talking about it. I don't want to get in trouble. "But hey, we're almost there." I say, changing the topic. "Well, except for Shauna." She is the last person, on her 5th fear. It looks suspiciously like a pit of snakes.

I pace around the hallways again for the remainder of the day. My nervousness is almost worse than before my landscape. Our rankings are announced at dinner tonight. I don't want to see those who I know won't make it. I don't even want to think about what would happen if I didn't for some reason. If they found out, and changed my rank. Or, even worse, if Zeke or Shauna didn't make it and I did? I don't know what I would do. I'd get over it eventually, I suppose. But something tells me otherwise. Not to mention Tyson would probably kill them within the week.

It's finally dinner time, after what seems like an endless afternoon of waiting. Zeke finds me before the announcing, and pulls me into the empty hallway by the tattoo parlor. "Hey." I say, a slight question in my voice. He smiles, and pulls me into a hug. What's all this about? "What-" I start to say, but he squeezes me tighter. I shut up, just enjoying him. "No matter what happens tonight..." he starts, and my heart starts to pound. Does he know? "I will stand by you. I just want you to know that. If you don't make it, I will leave Dauntless for you." He says, pulling back and staring me straight in the eyes. My eyes widen as I stare at him. "Zeke..." I whisper, in shock from this sudden admission of love. For someone to leave their faction for someone they's almost unimaginable. Faction before blood. But I know, in a split second, that I would do the same for him. I kiss him before I can even think about what to say. His lips feel soft on mine, and I never want to leave this place. I never want to leave this life. I want to be Dauntless. This is where I'm meant to be.

Eric stands before us once again, looking slightly more upbeat than last time, if that expression is even possible for Eric. I lost my trust for him a long time ago. I grip Zeke's hand tightly, my palm sweaty. I see Shauna twist her fingers into shapes, face pale. Zeke just stares at the podium, stiff as a board. I look back up at Eric, who starts to speak. "Tonight, 10 new Dauntless will join our faction. They have been tested and endured their fears. They are the best." He says, face inspirational, and voice with a slight tone of a rally. The Dauntless give a cheer, the sound echoing off the Pit walls. This is something Eric is good at, bringing the Dauntless together; getting them riled up. "They have undergone a rigorous and stressful process, testing their strength, and courage. They have proven themselves to us." Amen to that. "That being said, here are the final rankings." The room hushes silent as the board remains blank for a moment. I hold my breath, the tension feeling so strong that I might burst. I want this so bad. I have to- no, need to, be Dauntless. I wipe my free hand on my jeans, and Shauna grabs it. I grip it gratefully, just wanting to know. Then they appear.

I feel myself snap as I see the names. I gasp. Then I break into tears. Because my name is in the first slot. My heart leaps to just about the ceiling, and I practically jump out of my chair to join the others, who stand, whooping and screaming. I throw my arms around Zeke as tears of joy stream down my face. I did it. We all did it. Zeke and Shauna are both Dauntless. But it's my name that's in the first slot. I have changed. I am not that shy, smart girl from Erudite anymore. I am not the girl that was so abused and pressured as a child. I am strong. I am free. And I, Cal Mathews- I am Dauntless.

The End of Book 1

A/N: OMFG IT IS DONE! I can't believe this! Thanks so much for the support, lets get going on the sequel- TIMELESS!!!! Please slap dat vote button for the final chapter, and go check out the first chapter of the sequel, which should go up sometime this week! I'll see you dudes there, and STAY DAUNTLESS!

Dauntless- A fanfic of DivergentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora