Chapter 12- The Attack

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“Rough day?” Shauna asks, sitting beside me. I touch the bruise on my chin. “A bit.” She grins. “Well… You broke his nose.” My eyes widen “I what?!” She laughs “Yeah, he may have won, but you gave him a nice sucker punch to remember you by.” I smile a bit, not feeling quite so weak anymore. “So… a little birdie told me you and Zeke snuck off last night.” She says, gossipy, and makes little walking motions with her fingers. I blush a bit, gripping my seat. “That little birdie would be Amy, right? She knows everything.” I respond, wincing at the fact that Shauna knows about this. Her eyes flash, and she drops her fork and grabs me by the shoulders. “TELL ME EVERYTHING!” she yells, shaking me. I push her off, laughing, and shake my head, trying to regain my sense of direction. I sigh, realizing I’m going to have to tell all. “I got pretty upset, because, well, you know.” I say, fighting back tears again. I swore I wouldn’t cry over this anymore. “Zeke took me away from there. And we may have ended up kissing.” I admit. She gaps at me. “Good girl Cal gone wild.” I roll my eyes “Oh shut up.” I say, but I’ve been thinking the same thing. “I feel asleep a bit later and he took me back to the dorm. End of story.” Her eyes are wide, yet still mischievous. She grins a bit. That’s the face she gets when she has an idea. “Stop looking at me like that.” I warn, not wanting to end up a part of some huge prank that involved me and Zeke. She shakes her head “Absolutely not.” “You’re such a girl.” I tease. “Well, yeah, you are too.” I roll my eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” “I could kick your butt any day.” “You’re probably right.” “Don’t forget it.” We banter back and forth. “Forget what?” Zeke voice asks from behind me. I panic a bit. Shauna perks up “My butt kicking abilities.” I look at her gratefully, because I have no idea what to say. “Right…” Zeke says slowly, teasing her. I glance awkwardly at the clock. So, of course, I am more than a little surprised when he sits down and grabs my hand under the table. My heart beats a bit faster, and I squeeze it gently. Shauna can barely contain herself. “What?” I say, exasperated. “You guys!” she squeals, bouncing in her seat. Zeke looks at her incredulously, then back at me. “Is she always like this around you?” I sigh dramatically. “It’s torture.”

After dinner I start to walk to the tattoo parlor. I’ve been thinking about getting a wave tattooed on my shoulder, to represent my fear simulation, and Erudite. But I don’t get to. I rough hand grabs my wrist, yanking me backwards into a dark room. I try to twist out of the grip, but the person is much larger than me. I scream, and the other hand covers my mouth. My heart is pounding at a higher rate than when I zip lined. The person drags me back wards into the room, grabbing my waist for a better grip. I struggle like my life depends on it, and it probably does. But he’s too big, too strong. He keeps my mouth covered, the other arm holding me from escaping. “You know, I could do to you exactly what I did to Alex.” My eyes widen in terror. Tyson. He’s finally come for me. Why did I walk alone? I’m so stupid. “But you seem like a different type.” I squeeze my eyes shut. What is he planning? “I think I could do everything but kill you. Let you live with the scars. You’d never get through initiation. And you’d shut up.” I will not cry. I will not scream. I will have my own victory, and be brave. For Alex. “Then I’d kill you. And no one would ever know.” He continues, his voice sending shivers of horror across my skin. He leans closer to my ear, savoring the moment. “You’re too much competition. Competition must be eliminated. And I can do that.” I breathe through my nose. As terrified as I am, I refuse to admit it. He won’t break me. “You will never do that.” A voice says from the doorway. The door that he forgot to close. I bite his hand, and he lets go, yelling. I run, not out of the room, but far enough away to be mostly out of danger. I hear punches and scuffles from the other side of the room, but my head is reeling. I sink to the floor, clutching my head in my hands, horrified at what might still happen. If my rescuer loses. He will kill him. Then me. I scream silently, clapping a hand over my mouth. He was going to rape me! That vile, disgusting, unhuman physcopath! I can barely breathe, my hands shake. I’m going into shock I was so easily overwhelmed! I was weak. This has to stop. I can’t be beaten so easily, and I can’t have mental breakdowns when I’m attacked! Tears start to run down my face, but I stay quite. He could hear me. Find me in the darkness. “Cal?” a voice calls. I grip my head tighter, trying to block out my fear. I can’t think straight. Who is it? Angel or devil? I hear footsteps start to walk toward me and I scream. “Cal! Cal it’s me. It’s Zeke.” I breathe out in relief, the fear gone from my mind. I begin to cry more freely. I’m safe. He saved me. I grab onto him as he reaches me, wanting his closeness, and safety. He wraps his arms around me. I’m shaking violently. “You’re safe. You’re safe.” He repeats quietly. I bury my face in his shirt. “Are you hurt? Did he touch you?” he asks, obviously concerned. I manage to shake my head. “Almost.” I choke out. I have to pull it together. But I can’t. I can’t! “Cal. Cal.” He says my name, trying to bring me back. I notice he is shaking too. Is he afraid? Of what? “Cal. I love you. You’re safe.” He says, and his words bring me back. “Thank you.” I say in-between sobs. My breathing begins to settle a bit. We stay there until I’ve stopped crying, stopped shaking. My arms around him, in the darkness of the room. “We have to go.” He says softly, standing and pulling me up with him. I hold his hands and close my eyes as we pass the body on the ground. Beaten bloody, passed out on the cold floor. “Are you ok?” I say, referring to his fight. He nods “I’m fine. I don’t matter right now.” We reach the dorms. “I don’t want to leave you here. I didn’t kill him, he will be back eventually.” He says. He hasn’t let go of my hand. I look at a large bruise on his cheek. “I don’t want to leave you alone either.” He chuckles a bit. “He won’t be coming after me anytime soon. But we should stay in one of the overnight rooms. He won’t find us there. Not that he would, in his current condition. But just in case.” I blink, my heart rate rising slightly again. Did he just ask me to spend the night with him? No, not like that anyways. He’s not that type of guy, although there are plenty in Dauntless. So I nod shakily and follow him to what are apparently the overnight apartments. I crawl right into bed, not wanting to think about anything. But Zeke’s words drift back into my mind. He said he loved me, didn’t he? “Do you want me to sleep on the chair?” he asks. I look at him, still bloody and bruised. Not that I care. “No.” I say softly. He grins a bit and crawls in bed beside me, wrapping his arms around me, but keeping a safe distance. This is fine. This isn’t so bad. I start to doze off, exhausted from the day I’ve had. When he thinks I’m asleep, he whispers “I never want to let you go.” And I don’t have any dreams that night.

A/N: This is one of my favorite parts in this book! What did ya think? Let me know in the comments, and slap dat vote button! Stay Dauntless doods:)

Oh and sorry the video uploader is not working for any of my stories! Just listen to a song on the playlist while you read, if you want:) Hopefully it starts working soon!

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