Chapter 18- Divergent

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I lay in bed, feeling much calmer than usual. Maybe it's something about the confidence I gained today. Maybe it's just because he's gone. But either way, I'm changing. Still, I can't lose focus on my training. As I stare at the ceiling, tracing patterns in the dots, I wonder what horror I will face tomorrow.

Spiders. That is my torture. They are small, but thousands and thousands crawl all over my body, their tiny legs prickling every inch of my skin. Their many eyes glint red and black, their tiny pincers snap around, occasionally burying themselves in my soft skin. I scream, ripping my throat raw. But then they start to crawl into my mouth, down my throat. I gag, absolute, blind horror and panic rushing through my head. I can't breathe, I have to do something. I scream soundlessly, choking, but not choking. I can see every spider, which is strange. They are covering my face, my eyes. So why am I so aware? Then a familiar weight comes back over me. But I fight it this time, pushing off the haziness that makes this so real. Why should I let the simulation take over? Then it hits me. I'm in a simulation. This isn't real. I still try to swat them off, but its impossible. What is going on? Shouldn't I be screaming, running, something? I shake my head, both trying to clear it of the strange feeling and the spiders. That heaviness rests on the back of my mind, barely held at bay. I fight it harder, pushing it away. Think, Cal. You have to think. If this isn't real, then I should be able to control it, right? Like a lucid dream. I shake with the effort of keeping the simulation off, but it helps to do so. I can think clearly. I have to get these filthy things off of me. Something tells me this fear isn't rooted in the spiders themselves, but in the fear of the lack of control. I can't control what they do, I can't handle my own fate. Until now. If I can control this, then...there will be an ocean. To my right. I squeeze my eyes shut, concentrating. Cool water laps over my feet, washing away the arachnids as it goes. I gasp, diving headfirst into the salty foam. It crashes over my face, freeing me of the things. I breath in great gasps of air, laughing as the spiders are washed away.

My eyes snap open to a very upset looking Four. I sit up quickly, wrinkling my forehead. "Did I do something wrong?" I say, the strange simulation weighing on my mind. He sighs. "No. Something dangerous." I pale, considering what might have happened. I'm no idiot; I've researched many of the things that my mother has been working on. One being Divergence. Isn't that when someone has an aptitude for multiple factions, and can manipulate simulations? Isn't that exactly what I just did. I look at Four carefully, wanting him to tell me otherwise. I know the Dauntless policy on Divergence. Even if it isn't a formal one, they always turn up dead. My heart rate starts to pick up. Am I Divergent? Four eyes the door "I think you know what happened Cal." I purse my lips "I hope I'm wrong." He shakes his head "I don't think so. Somehow your aptitude test checked out, but you just got lucky there." I look down. This means I have an aptitude for a different faction than Dauntless. I know which one. They will kill me, if they find out. "Do not." He says "Tell anyone." I nod. Well, obviously. "I don't enforce their policy, so keep quiet. I deleted the footage, and your times are still fast, but somewhat normal. Just be careful." He stresses. I know firsthand how dangerous this can be. I nod again. He looks at the door. "Be safe." In that second, I realize something. Four is Divergent. The Dauntless legend from Abnegation. He never quite left his old faction. I'm certain of it.

I cross my arms as I walk to the dining hall. I really do spend the majority of my time there or in the hub. There isn't really anywhere else to go. Not for the initiates. The Spire is off limits, and there's nothing interesting in housing. I observe the black rock walls. They look like obsidian, jagged and dark. But that is almost impossible. Stone, most likely, with very dark minerals. I chuckle inwardly. My Erudite is coming out. But that's ok now. I can accept my aptitude for my old faction. I just have to hide it. Maybe even from those I trust most. Meaning Zeke and Shauna. I don't know how he feels on the topic. I don't think he'd ever turn me in. But then again, as much as I'd like to deny it, all good things come to an end. Very rarely do they last for a lifetime. Especially teenage relationships. I hate to admit it, but it's a possibility. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, but from an objective standpoint, I have to consider it. I shiver. I don't want to think about that. Ever. But I don't think I'll tell him. Not now.

Shauna starts ranting about Chase almost as soon as I sit down, but my mind wanders from her rambling. "He's just, so, strong...." Her voice fades away as I stare at the leader board. I'm hanging onto first, with Zeke trailing me by about a minute on average. I feel a bit guilty, but not sorry. I know it's only because of my Divergence that I do so well. I wonder what I would rank if I wasn't this way. It bothers me. Maybe Zeke deserves first. But I brush it away. This is the way I am. It contributes to my abilities to perform. So it's fair. Right? I sigh, and Shauna looks at me funny. I blink, embarrassed. But my mind snaps back to my musings. I am glad that I'm in first. I'm an extremely competitive person. After all, what would we live for if not for goals? Zeke waves a hand in front of my face. I jump slightly "I'm sorry." I say quickly. He looks at my, concerned "How are you doing?" I know he refers to the simulations, and maybe even to Tyson. I shut my eyes briefly. "I'm fine. The simulations just get... tiring." I say, which isn't a lie. It isn't what's bothering me right now. But it does bother me.

A/N: Oh geez plot twist! Another chapie for ya guys, hope you enjoyed! Slap dat vote button, and stay Dauntless:)

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