Chapter 10- The Chasm

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“I heard someone kicked some butt today.” Shauna says, raising an eyebrow. “More like got lucky.” She chuckles. “Sure.” I sigh “Well you won too, didn’t you?” She rolls her eyes “Yes, of course I did. Did you ever doubt me?” she puts her hand on her chest, acting hurt. I roll my eyes back, mocking her a bit. “What about Zeke?” She looks at me slyly. “What?” I ask, that look had to be for something. She brushes it off like nothing happened. “Nothing! He’s right over here, you should go ask him.” She says, raising an eyebrow slightly and looking at him. I put my head back, exasperatedly looking at the ceiling. “Fine. I’ll just walk all the way over there and start an awkward conversation, never mind that I could easily find everything out from you.” I say sarcastically. She sighs “I’m sure he won’t mind talking to you.” She winks and pushes me towards him. Luckily, he wasn’t looking at that.

He smiles as I reach him. “Being a loner?” I tease, sitting down. He looks at me, fake shock on his face. “No! Can’t you tell I am spending some quality time with this hamburger?” I laugh. “Oh ok, I apologize for interrupting you.” He smirks. “So how did your fight go?” I ask, that is the whole reason I came over here. He shrugs “Fine. I was up against Spencer though, so he gave me quite the fight.” Spencer is a large red-head that is well known for his hugeness. “You should come and sit with Shauna and I.” I say. His face lights up a bit, and we stand and go over to her. She looks at me, a slight smirk on her face. I give her a death glare, and she stops. “So did Cal here happen to mention her 3 second victory?” I face-palm. Zeke practically throws his burger at Shauna as he yells, very loudly, “I told you she was an ninja!!!!!” I burst out laughing as Shauna pulls a piece of lettuce off of her face, trying to remain annoyed and composed, but doing a horrible job. “It was hardly 3-“  I start to say, but Zeke puts a finger over my lips “Shhhh….” He says, awkwardly moving his finger around. I look at him funny. “You can’t reveal your secrets.” He finishes in a hushed tone. Shauna is the first to laugh this time, and I soon join her. I manage to choke out “Don’t pretend like you don’t need them!”

The next morning I am surprised at my lack of soreness. The whole quick win thing has plenty of advantages, that’s for sure. Still, I overslept. Rushing to throw on a shirt and tie my shoes,  I glance at the clock. 5 minutes till the first fight. I dash out the door only to be stopped dead by a crowd of people hovering around the chasm. Sara touches my shoulder “It’s better if you don’t look.” I stare at her, wide eyed, as horrible possibilities race through my head. Zeke? Shauna? She whispers, with her hand over her mouth “It’s Alex.” I shut my eyes and try not to look relieved. I’m not, its just… I wasn’t as close to her. Or was I? A figure is lifted out of the chasm, and it doesn’t matter if she was a stranger or my best friend. I tried to help her, she was such a good person. I sink to the floor, tears in my eyes. Is this my fault? Did I push her too hard to stand up to Tyson? Maybe the stress was too much. It could have been training, maybe she just slipped. But people don’t often slip over 3 foot barriers. I sit on the hard ground, staring at the chasm. Something tells me this has to do with her and Tyson. Which would make me somewhat involved? I caused their breakup. I told Alex she had to leave. Maybe he couldn’t handle it. Or she couldn’t.

I feel someone kneel down next to me. I look up, wiping some of the tears off my face. It’s Zeke. “Did she jump?” I ask quietly, turning my gaze back to the chasm. He sighs, sitting down beside me. “I don’t know. But there was a lot of blood, and bruises. And you don’t get those from a sudden impact. You’re dead before you can get injured. Especially not on your eye.” He says the last part in a mumble. I sigh. “I know who it was then.” I say in a monotone. I’m too drained, and probably shocked to be energetic. He looks at me “Well who?” I glance around, realizing he’s not around “Tyson.”  I hear Sara’s voice from behind me “How would you know that?” I bite my lip, trying to stay composed. “She talked to me…. About some things…” I can’t contain it anymore, I start crying again. Zeke wraps his arms around me. “Please.” I hear Sara mumble angrily behind me. Her footsteps walk away from us. I bury my face in Zeke’s shoulder, appreciating the warmth. “I believe you.” He whispers.

A/N: Oh boi things are getting dramatic.... Btw thanks so much for all of the reads and votes! Maybe we can get 3 votes and 3 comments on this chapter? Let me know what you think about Alex's death and such! Sorry its short, hopefully antother chapter later today or tomorrow! Stay Dauntless doods!

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