Chapter 4- Bunkbeds and Tatoos

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“Initiates!” I hear from behind me. Cunningham stands behind us with a look of impatience. He must have taken the elevator back down. Four stands behind him, arms crossed. He kind of looks like a body guard, or a bouncer. Not that Cunningham would ever need one of those. “Follow me.” He says when he has gotten our attention. Natalie calls the Dauntless born away, and its just me and the other transfers. Cunningham starts to walk, up a long winding path, around a gaping hole. There aren’t any railings, of course. We pass a large room. “This is the dining hall. We eat and gather here. Breakfast at 7, lunch at noon, dinner at 6. Don’t be late.” Four warns. As we keep walking, we pass a gym. “This is where we will train. Don’t get lost, I don’t think the actual citizens would appreciate confused initiates running around their gym. It’s the last year we get to use an in-compound gym, so enjoy your privilege.” He says sarcastically. I look inside briefly. I can see why they are moving gyms next year, its kinda beat up. Makes me wonder how many fights have happened in there.

We eventually reach the top of the path, and there is finally a railing. The area has been cleared out, there is a large shelf of rock with a low hanging ceiling. For observing, I guess. There are more rooms along the edges. Shops, among other things. “This is the Hub. But more importantly-“ Four points at a massive waterfall spraying out of an opening in the rock, and down the tunnel “-that is the chasm.” Cunningham walks to it. “This is here to remind us of the line between courage and blind idiocracy! A jump into this chasm will be the last of you.” He speaks up over the water. I stare at it, wide-eyed. Its powerful, beyond doubt, but it means more than that.

One of the rooms turns out to be a stairwell. We walk up it briskly. I’m surprised they didn’t make us sprint up it while lifting weights, what with the way everyone looks around here. When we reach the top, everything is bright o\all of a sudden. We are now aboveground, in a large glass building, made with stained windows and mirrors. It’s beautiful. But it also has a Dauntless edge. The design is sharp and pointed, and the decorations are dark. There are offices and other rooms on every floor, with a hole in the middle, so you can see down to the bottom. We reach an elevator, and everyone manages to fit in one. Its awkward, standing in such small quarters. I see Four’s tense stance and know he must not like it either. I’m relieved when we reach the selected floor, 27. They lead us down a tiled hallway and show us a door. Cunningham swings it open and I look inside. White bunk beds line the walls, 8 of them, 4 on each side. The back wall has a large dresser and a mirror on either side of it. I can see two doors on either side of the room, probably bathrooms. Four’s voice startles me with how strong it is. “These are your dorms. Co-ed. Pick a bunk. Dinner is in five minutes, training starts tomorrow at 8.” With that, he leaves, and Cunningham goes with him.

At that, it becomes a frenzy of picking bunks. The Candor boy jumps up onto a top bunk in the back of the room “Mine!” he yells. I race forwards, snagging a top bunk in the middle. A Candor girl lands beneath me, smiling. Two of the bunks are completely empty, there are only 12 of us, after all. Well, now anyways. I don’t see the boy from Amity. He’s factionless now.

There is a dresser drawer assigned to each bunk. I see a small card that says “BYOC”, which I assume means bring your own clothes. Lovely. The girls bathroom has 3 showers. I see the Candor girl watching me. “I’m Cal.” I say, tuning to greet her. “Alex.” She says, holding out her hand. She’s small for our age, maybe 5’2”? I’m only 3 inches taller. Her hair is bright red, and long. Her smile is wide, and never fails to show up when she speaks. But the rest of the time, she seems quiet, even shy. Strange for a Candor. But, then again, she transferred. I check my watch “Dinner’s starting!” I announce. She stands by me “Well lets go then!”

I immediately seek out Zeke and Shauna. “Howdy stranger!” he yells from across the room. One of the transfer boys teases me “Cal’s to cool to hang with the lowly transfers.” I stick my tongue out at him and walk toward Zeke. Alex stays back, sitting with the Candor boy. That’s odd, but maybe they knew each other from home. “Yo yo” Shauna says as I sit down. I look at her funny. “Have you not heard that before?” she says incredulously. I laugh “I lived in Erudite.” She looks at my outfit critically “Speaking of that, we need to get you some Dauntless clothes.” Zeke speaks with a mouth full of food “And a tattoo!” I cringe a bit “Ok, fine. After dinner.” Shauna grins almost evilly. Suddenly I’m having second thoughts about this whole lets Shauna pick my clothes thing.

About an hour later, my black clothes have passed inspection and we head to the tattoo parlor, located in the hub. I look at the lady running the place. She grins tiredly. Shauna told me her name was Tori. “What’ll it be?” she says, not entirely peppy. I’m not sure I like her. I shake my head, thinking. “Ummm… how about flames on the inside of my wrist?” Shauna nods eagerly. Tori pulls ou her needles “You got it.”

In a little bit, my wrist is stinging and flames race up my arm. I am black clothed and leather clad. And I have never looked better.

A/N: Hey dudes thanks for reading! So sorry about the wait and slowness of my typing. I have the sequel finished, but I cant seem to stop procrastinating and type hopefully more soon!

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