Chapter 15- Stage 2

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I have bags under my eyes the next morning. I’m not alone, many of the others have been up as well. The thoughts still fly through my head. What will I have to face? I’m almost certain Tyson will turn up. My mother, probably. But as for the rest, I have no idea. I’ve never considered myself as having many major phobias. Chase rubs his eyes. Shay yawns. But Zeke and Shauna are as awake as always. I don’t know how they do it. How they are so accustomed to no sleep. I’m just glad that they’re in my group now.

We wait outside of one of the rooms that has been set aside for simulations. Zeke grips my hand. I’m sweaty, but he seems still. In his eyes, however, I see a certain nervousness. He bounces his leg compulsively, glancing around. To an outsider, this might look like a casual waiting posture. But I know him. And as much as he won’t admit it, he’s as nervous as the rest of us. This gives me comfort. Maybe I’m not as weak as I thought. Four eventually walks out, surveying us carefully. “Congratulations on completing stage one. You are here. 5 others are not. Be proud.” He says tersely. Tyson scoffs, and Four is quick to glare at him. I shiver a bit. Zeke squeezes my hand gently. I smile gratefully. He always knows when I’m starting to crack. “Today we begin stage 2. Every day, for 5 days, you will be put under simulation, and discover your fears. These will accumulate, and you will face all of them in stage 3. This portion is judged on how quickly you can calm yourself.” He pauses, glancing at me. “There are no disadvantages here. This tests your true ability to be Dauntless. This will strip you to your core. And at the end, you will know if you are cut out to be in this faction.” He crosses his arms, smirking slightly. “Who’s first?”

The numbers dwindle away. I feel like I should go now, but this isn’t something I really want to volunteer for. Shauna leaves, then Zeke. I sit, my hands clasped together and white. Finally, Four calls my name, after no one is willing to volunteer anymore. I wipe my hands on my jeans, standing. I follow him into the mostly white room, with an intricate computer system set up to the right of a reclining chair. He pulls out a syringe, which is filled with a clear blue serum. I swallow at the size of the needle, but tell myself to get over it. Knowing where it is injected, I sit down, moving my hair away from the base of my neck. He walks up and smoothly inserts the needle. I wince as the cold fluid starts to move through my veins. “The simulation goes into effect in 30 seconds.” He says coolly. I nod, leaning back in the chair. I can’t control it as my fists begin to curl into balls slowly. “Be brave.” He says, looking me straight in the eyes. I smile weakly, and everything goes black.

My heart rate accelerates almost immediately. I breath in through my nose, the cold musty smell of the room filling my nostrils. It’s pitch black, and I hang from the ceiling by my wrists. I can’t see the ceiling, just an empty black void. The same goes for the floor. Suddenly, I know where I am. “No. No. No.” I repeat softly, shutting my eyes. The snap open again as a voice speaks. “So Cal. Who’ll it be? You?” Tyson gestures at me. “Or him?” he says, a light somehow illuminating only his face. It is pale, gaunt. And horrifying. I turn my head to the side slowly. I scream as I see Zeke hanging there, blood already coating his chest and face, where he has been tortured extensively. He moans in pain, tilting his head to one side. No. Oh god, please no. “Zeke?” I whisper, my voice hollow, yet quiet and terrified. He opens his eyes slightly. “It’s ok Cal. I understand. I’m going to die anyways.” My eyes widen as I realize what Tyson is making me do. I bite my lip, and shake my head vigorously. I will not let him die. I could never live with myself. Or without him. Tyson steps forward, wrapping his hand around my throat. I gasp for air, panicking. “Choose.” My mother’s voice says from the void above me. “No!” I scream. I won’t do it. I can’t. “Choose!” she yells louder, in the tone she used to use when I was in trouble. I start to sob a bit, shaking. I will not do this. A voice breaks through my panic, from somewhere in the depths of my mind. “It ends when you slow your heart rate.” I take a deep breath. Stay calm. Be Dauntless. “Do it. Kill me.” I say sharply, in Tyson’s face. His grip tightens slightly. I can’t stand the wait. “Do it!”

I bolt up, screaming. Four grabs my arm. “Cal!” he yells. I stop abruptly, confused. What happened? Then I remember. It was a simulation. Just a simulation. I pull my arm away, and cover my face with both hands. “What happened?” Four asks. I shake my head, wanting to forget. It was more vivid than any dream. And it lingers in my mind. His face softens slightly. “No one heard you. The walls are soundproof.” Well that’s one good thing. I take a deep breath, pulling myself together. “I was awful.” I say softly. Four looks at my incredulously. “Cal your time was on average 3 minutes less than anyone else’s. You were amazing.” I blink, surprised. He grins. “You belong here. So don’t doubt yourself.” I smile. “Thanks Four.” I get up and as he opens the door, he says “You can call me Tobias, if you want.”

A/N: Slightly horrifying... lol. Thanks for all of the support guys, I'm really trying to update when I can. School is just insane, but there might be another chapter tomorrow:) Thanks for reading, slap dat vote button, and stay Dauntless:)

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