Chapter 14- Rankings

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Zeke hasn’t really left my side since it happened. I’m grateful, because I’m barely keeping it together as it is. Without him, I would probably be dead. Or worse.

Tyson is in stable condition now. They had him in intensive care for a few days, thanks to Zeke. I wish they had just let him die. But if they did, Zeke would be in trouble. So it is the lesser of two evils. There is a possibility of brain damage. Amnesia would be great, for everyone. Then maybe he won’t try to kill Zeke or me. He’ll definitely be out for the rest of stage one. Broken arm, concussion, broken ribs. This is to my advantage, because I won’t have to face him. But he won’t be cut. Not after winning his two fights. We only have 11, so on one person is going. Unless they change their minds.

The day of the 4th and final fight is finally upon us, and I couldn’t be happier. I want to get back out there. I need to redeem myself. I have to win. I’ll stay here either way, but I want revenge. It isn’t about passing training anymore, that I can do. It’s about becoming Dauntless. I’m up against Jake. Not Tyson, but close. My fear is turning to hatred. I must have revenge. I must prove myself. I can feel myself changing, and I’m glad. I’m sick of being a weak train wreck.

Jake seems wary of me. Anyone can see it, my entire attitude has changed since I found out Tyson was going to live. At first, I was worried, but I didn’t allow myself to be scared. Now, my mind jumps at any opportunity to prove that I’m not afraid of him. Something nags me about these morals, though. Should I need to prove myself to the Dauntless? Or am I doing it for myself?

Jake stands at the back of the mat. I glance at him. He’s obviously a bit worried, maybe even scared. He shouldn’t be scared of a girl like me, but I’m glad he is. He should be, after what we did to him. He fear gives me confidence, which is sick. I’m starting to question myself more and more. Tyson hasn’t changed me for the better. Four blows the whistle. He’s our instructor now. Cunningham still oversees, but the transition has been made. Knowing Jake will be reluctant, I run right at him. He flinches back, and I land a solid punch in his face. He staggers but stays up. He doesn’t come at me. I glance at Four, confused. “Get on with it Jake!” he yells. Jake shakes his head wearily, and makes an attempt at a kick. I grab his slow moving foot and pull, knocking him to the ground. To my surprise, he waves his hand in surrender. I stand there, looking at him distainfully. Is he serious? He didn’t even hit me! Didn’t even try. I cock my head to the side, and look at Four. He won’t let him get away with this, I’m sure. “Get up! Now!” he yells, stalking up to him on the mat. Jake scrambles to his feet, looking at Four. He could be pretty intimidating. “Now you listen. If you aren’t even going to try- not even give a lame attempt- then you don’t deserve to be here. You are nothing but a coward.” Four says in his deep, deadly calm voice. You can see the fear in Jake’s eyes, and I know that four is right. Jake is a coward. “Fight me.” Four says, stepping back, and inviting Jake. He goes pale. “Go on. Hit me.” Four says, taunting him. Jake shakes his head. Four resumes his looming posture. “Then get out of this gym.” And he does, scuttling away like a crab. There isn’t much question as to who will be cut now. Four then looks at me. Oh no. “Since your partner has so quickly left, I think you should fight me today.” He says. Well I’m thoroughly screwed. And Four must really want to fight someone today. I blink, but don’t see any other options. I nod, taking my stance. This is going to hurt. A lot. Four is a Dauntless legend; fast, strong, everything. Before I can take a breath, he moves, darting back and forth like a snake. I desperately block a well-aimed punch, and am met with surprising resistance. My eyes widen. He’s way better than even I thought. I won’t win, but I’ll try. I attempt a roundhouse kick, but before I make contact, he easily sweeps my supporting leg out from under me. I yelp in surprise and hit the mat. “Had enough?” he challenges. I regain my feet, and shake my head. I’m not giving up that easy. I throw a punch, which he doesn’t have any problem blocking and returning. We are engaged in an endless back and forth; I kick at him, he flips me over, I stand back up and try again. My pride won’t let me give up. We fight for what seems like hours, but is about 20 minutes. I’ve gained no ground, and I drenched in sweat. He steps back and waves his hand “Enough.” I collapse on the ground, panting. “So Cal, how do you beat an instructor?” he asks, not breathing nearly as hard as me. The other initiates stand there, gaping. I gasp with a slight laugh “You don’t.” They laugh, and I join in, but Four just looks amused. I take it he doesn’t laugh much. He grins a bit “And that is how you fight.” He says, looking at me with something like pride.

Shauna of course, pokes fun at this at dinner. “The ninja has been defeating by the master.” She says solemnly. “But it’s Jake who’s packing his bags.” I point out. She nods, grinning. “Speaking of which…” she looks at the leader board, where the names have just popped up for our final rankings. I literally do a spit take when I see the number one name for transfers. Cal. My eyes widen, then I start to laugh. Shauna claps me on the back, grinning widely. She’s second for Dauntless born, Zeke is first. This is good. This is really good. Zeke kisses me, and a fire shoots through my chest. I haven’t been this happy since before the incident. Tyson ranked fourth, Chase third and Sara second. She’s good, I’ll admit. A lying backstabber, but she’s good. I don’t bother to check the other spots. Jake is factionless. So are 4 others from the Dauntless born group. Four smiles at me from across the room, seeming genuinely glad that I’m first. It must have been my fight with him. I proved myself today. I grin widely, but I know what’s coming next in my initiation. I am dreading what I will have to face. My fears.

A/N: Heck yes, Cal isn't crying in this chapter lol. Stay Dauntless dudes:)

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