Chapter 13- The Aftermath

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A/N: Cal is the girl in the pic to the side. Ignore the other guy ;)

Shauna pulls me aside the next morning. I’m not surprised; anyone can see I’m not myself. I keep jumping at little noises, my hands refuse to stop shaking. “What happened to you? And was Zeke with you last night? He never showed up to the dorms, everyone’s talking about it.” Of course they were. The Dauntless born are more gossipy than the Candor. I close my eyes, looking down. “Tyson attacked me last night.” I say softly, glancing around. He hasn’t showed up yet. Her eyes widen as she grasps the situation. “Are you ok?” she asks carefully. I nod, but then tilt my head to the side. “Yeah… but not really.” She blinks once, fury starting to show on her face “He didn’t…” I shake my head quickly. “No. But he was going to.” She runs one hand through her hair. “Did you kick his ass?” I chuckle. “I wish. Zeke did. I was an idiot, I was walking alone. I got lucky.” I say, admitting what I’ve been denying for myself. I was too weak to save myself. And it bothers me. A lot. The Dauntless are supposed to defend others. How can I be Dauntless if I can’t even protect myself? “Where is-‘’ I look at her sharply. I don’t want to hear his name. “He.” She finishes, changing the ending. I shrug, looking at my nails “Zeke almost killed him. But we didn’t go back to the dorms. Figured it wasn’t safe.” She blinks then looks angry. “Serves that bastard right.” Then her expression becomes a bit more mischievous. It’s a look she wears often, and well. “I won’t ask what happened after that.” I glare at her, not really in the mood. But a smile breaks on my face when she winks at me, exaggerating it sarcastically. “Nothing happened, at least not what you’re thinking.” I punch her shoulder lightly. But then I remember everything before that, and my brief good mood vanishes. “I was a bit too much of a wreck to think about that.” She sombers up a bit “Can I help?” I shake my head “You already did. I just need time.” She looks determined suddenly, and it rubs off on me. “And revenge.” I say, my voice hardening a bit. And it feels good.

“Cal, can I speak to you in private?” Four asks, coming up during one of the fights. I have the day off, the odd number this time. I’m grateful. I shake my head slightly, as if trying to clear it. “Um, yeah, sure.”

“We have reports from some of the other initiates about Alex and her murder. We asked for a possible suspect as well. Unfortunately, you seem to be one of them.” He says seriously. My eyes widen “That’s ridiculous! I was her friend!” I say, my emotions threatening to crack once again. I’ve been nothing but a wreck since I arrived. He holds up a hand “I know, I know, trust me. I don’t think it was you. But I still have to ask. Do you have an alibi? A counter story, anything?” I nod. But something lingers on my mind. Other than Tyson and Jake, I haven’t really made any enemies in Dauntless. And they wouldn’t dare, not after what Zeke did to them. Not to mention it would only draw attention to them. And I’m sure they don’t want that. So who said this about me? “Shauna and Zeke and I were training.” “What time?” “Around 8 on Tuesday.” “Continue.” My voice becomes monotone, masking the tornado of conflicting emotions “Tyson..” I struggle with the name, but take a deep breath “Tyson, Jake, and Alex came in. They threatened us. We got into a fight. But Alex wasn’t moving. She didn’t want to be there, I could tell.” He writes my words on a notepad. “There’s something else…” I pause, but it’s for Alex. “They were in a relationship. Alex and Tyson. He was abusive, but they loved each other. At least for a while Alex started to get fed up. That fight…Well, that was when she left him.” Four looks at me, concerned. “Something snapped. He went insane over her. You saw it too, that day they were matched up. My theory is that it didn’t stop there. I know he killed her.” I finish, leaning back a bit. “How do you know?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. My hands begin to shake uncontrollably, so I sit on them. He glances at them, and frowns “Tell me.” I start to breathe a bit faster, on the verge of a panic attack. But that’s unacceptable. “He told me. When he tried to rape and murder me last night.” I say, my voice trembling, but I refuse to break. Not in front of my instructor. His face darkens. “You need to keep going. I need to know everything.” I run a hand through my hair, fighting with myself. “I was walking to the tattoo parlor after dinner. I was alone, and he pulled me into a dark room. He pinned me.” I say, biting my lip. “He said he would do to me what he did to Alex. But he wouldn’t kill me. Just let me live with the scars.” My voice finally shatters, and my heart rate increases rapidly. Four is tense, obviously confused about what to do. “Why didn’t you report this?” he asks, his voice stressed, urgent. I shake my head. “I wasn’t about to bring more pain on myself.” “Who saved you?” I’m not going to lie, this hurts a bit, because he assumed I couldn’t save myself. He was right. “Zeke. He watched me leave the dining hall, followed me. I don’t know why. He annihilated him. We left him there. But he wasn’t dead.” I say, putting my hands over my mouth. Don’t you dare Cal. You will not cry. “Thank you. I only need one more thing. Where were you when Alex was murdered?” I squeeze my eyes shut. “Asleep.” I say blankly. He nods, and then glances at the door. I know I should leave now. “And Four? Who told you they thought it was me?” He sighs, tapping his pen on the desk “I’m really not supposed to-“ I cut him off  “Please.” He looks down, considering. “Sara. She thought you were over compensating by insisting it was Tyson.” I nod, thinking. I knew she hated me. Just don’t know why. “Thanks.” I say, and swallow, turning to leave the room. “Cal” he says. I turn back. “Be strong.” I bite my lip, and nod once, then turn and quickly leave, trying to hold myself together.

The betrayal hurts. I thought she might have been my friend at first, but I was wrong. I absolutely refuse to cry over this. I tell Zeke later, and he just looks at me sadly. I’m so on edge that I take this offensively. “Oh don’t pity me, please.” I say bitterly. He shakes his head. “I’m not pitying you Cal. I’m admiring you. You are incredibly strong, in the face of all of this.” He says, gesturing to everything. “I want to be that way.” He continues. My heart almost melts, but I look away. “I’m not strong. It all hurts.” I bite my lip, finally letting the tears come. “I’m falling apart.” I whisper as he embraces me. “Then I will hold you together.” He whispers into my ear. I let myself go, wrapped in his arms. It’s one of the few places I feel safe. It is also where I am most exposed.

A/N: They are so friggin cute! Anyways, tell me what you thought, vote and do whatever, just stay Dauntless:)

Dauntless- A fanfic of DivergentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant