Chapter 8- Tyson

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Zeke, Shauna and I hit the gym a bit latter. I need as much practice as I can get, no matter how much I hurt. I start with my punches. Hook, jab, uppercut. Shauna critiques me. “Bend your knees. Hands up.” I am grateful for the advice. I nod and keep going. “Looking good ninja.” Zeke teases, and tousles my hair for some reason. I shut my eyes as hair flies in my face. “Thanks.” I say, stopping and spitting hair out of my mouth. Shauna giggles a bit. “It’s not funny. Not funny at all.” I say, trying not to laugh myself. But we all stop when thre people enter the gym. Tyson, Jake, and…Alex. Alex? Why is she with them? Usually Tyson only hung out with Jake when he trained. Maybe something changed between them. For the better, I don’t know.

I tense up a bit. Zeke puts a hand on my shoulder “They givin’ you trouble?” I try to shrug nonchalantly. “Nothing I can’t handle.” Shauna rolls her eyes and says snarkily “I can see why you aren’t a Candor.”

Tyson glances, or rather glares, at us, and stops walking. He’s obviously only here to cause trouble “Aw, look at the little Erudite trying to kiss up to the teachers, just like she’s used to doing. Trying to act like a real Dauntless? Hanging out with these posers ain’t gonna help much.” Shauna straightens up at the insult. I cross my arms, my face burning a bit, both from the jab at my old faction and at my friends. “So what if Four hates your arrogant ass? That’s only hurting you. So we will, if you’re done, continue doing something useful.” I respond a tone of defiance and sarcasm in my voice. Jake sneers “Spoken like a true smartass.” Alex looks away. She obviously doesn’t want to be here. I think she wants to please Tyson, but not at the cost of her friend. Zeke finally speaks up “If you don’t shut up, right now, I can guarantee a couple of real Dauntless can cream your sorry Candor butts right here, right now.”  I cringe inside. Oh great, challenge them. That’s just what we want. “You asked for it.” Tyson growls and charges at us. I duck to one side, throwing a wild punch. Jake is on me the next second, knocking me over. I shield my face. The weight is suddenly gone as Zeke pulls him off and literally throws him across the room. I smile appreciatively, and wonder why he’s protecting me and not Shauna. He’s closer to her. My heart leaps a bit, but I push it out of my mind, standing to face whoever’s coming at me next. I look at Alex. She seems torn. She shuffles from side to side, looking at Tyson, then at me, pain and confusion all over her face. She can’t seem to decide. Choosing to fight would mean she keeps Tyson, but hurt me. Choosing to run, well, it would benefit me, but who knows what Tyson would do to her? I shudder at the possibility. “Run!” I yell at her, hoping she can get out of here before Tyson notices. She gives one last torn look at Tyson, but her face changes as she looks. Her emotions harden into a strange mixture of acceptance and confidence, and then she turns and walks away.

I am left facing a frustrated Tyson and a crumpled heap of Jake. Shauna and Zeke are both on their feet. Tyson watches Alex go, and for a second, I see pain flash on his face. Maybe he does love her, in his own way. Then it changes to fury, and in his rage he rushes at Zeke, landing a pretty good punch in the nose. He goes to hit him again, and horror and anger rushes over me. I can’t explain why. “No!” I yell, and run toward him. I kick toward Tyson’s head, but he grabs my leg, and flips me over. I get back up quickly, and he is circling Shauna. Zeke lies on the ground, bleeding and probably unconscious My eyes widen, and I jump on Tysons back while he is turned around. He fails and tries to throw me off, but Shauna punches him in the gut. I leap off, as far away as I can, rolling as I hit the ground. Zeke is still down. I scramble up as he charges me again, like a raging bull. I dive at his feet, effectively tripping him. Then Shauna is on him, punching him in the face over and over again.

Then a new figure arrives, quietly but firmly lifting Shauna off and holding her back. Tyson scrambles up at the sight of Four, and runs, bloody teeth and all. Four lets go of Shauna, who is still pumped with adrenaline. I myself am breathing hard, my face is red. We pant in silence for a moment, and then Four speaks. “We do not encourage un-necessary violence. But I will say right now that that was necessary. He needed to be put in his place.” He says. I smile despite a few nasty bruises I can already feel forming. Speaking of wounds, I remember Zeke and hurry over to him. I slap him in the face. “Out cold.” I announce, and Shauna tries not to laugh. “He wouldn’t want to go to the hospital, let’s just get him back to the dorms.” She says. I consider his tall, muscular build and look at Four for help. “I’ll carry him.” He complies. Shauna sighs in relief. I’m right with her; I wasn’t looking forward to carrying all 150 something pound of Zeke up 5 flights of stairs.

A/N: Oh baby! 2 chapter in one night! Hope you doods enjoy:)

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