You believe he's not one of them?

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Mia's P.O.V

I stayed by my mom while she was talking to Mrs. Black.

A couple minutes later I felt a pair of eyes on me. A pair of eyes that should not belong I my body. I looked around to fond Andrew looking at me.

He found me glaring at him he looked away and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started to type something on his phone.

Five minutes later we we're in the the restaurant waiting for a table. My mother was still talking to Mrs. Black about whatever their talking about and every one eles was in their own conversations.

A couple minutes later a person who worked here got us a table. My mom Sat next to Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black is sitting next to Mrs. Winston and she's sitting next to her husband. Her husband is sitting next to Andrew and I got stuck sitting next to him.

I look over to my mom and tapped her shoulder, and she looked at me. "Mom I can't sit next to him."

"Why can't you he could be your friend."

"No mom he's one of them."

"No I bet he's not he's a nice boy."

"Yes he is mom." I said in a whispering yelling voice.

"Mia you know he's not I know you just don't want to sit by him." she said in a yelling whispering voice also.

" no mom he's one of the people who bully me and so does his girlfriend." I said in a louder voice.

"Mia Ann Sanders you are just lying to get out sitting by him and you know it." she said in a yelling voice.

"NO MOM HE'S ONE OF THEM ONE OF MY BULLIES JUST LIKE HIS GIRLFRIED AND HER FRIENDS AND THE REST OF THE SCHOOL. THEy all bully me and I tell you but you never understand. You ignore it and that's why what happened tonight happened because of all their bullying. Also one more thing they keep on telling to to kill myself I tryed it tonight and you know he just stopped me because he didn't want to be a whiteness of my death. I so would of done it. I just hope you know you taking sides with my bully and not me," I said with tears running down my face.

"You never tell me what's going on in your life."

"Yes I do it's your to busy with your friends and not your own daughter."

I walk out of the restaurant and down the park I saw when we were driving here to the stupid restaurant.

Here's another chapter because I really thought the last chapter was really short.

Suicide Bridge ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant