special part.2

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Andy's P.O.V.

As she walked down the aisle, I smile. She looks so beautiful. Her dress is white and has jewels around her waist. Her vail goes down her dress and all stops at the end of the dress.

Mia walks down the aisle with her mom holding her hand and smiling. She doesn't look at any on the people standing up. She's looking strait ahead at me. She's so beautiful. Smiling, as a tear goes down my face she steps one more step and she's by my side.

"Andrew you may now say your vows," the preacher says.

I get out my little piece of paper and start to read, "Mia I never would of thought I would be marrying you. The day I walked over to the bridge and stopped you from suicide was the best day. I never wanted you to hurt your self because of that. The next few day's go bye and next thing happens we are partnered up for that stupid cake thing. We gotten closer and my crush for you has gotten so big at that time I knew I loved you and I still do. I will love you forever and ever," after I finished reading that I looked up at Mia and she has tears running down her perfect face. I lifted my hand on her cheek and wiped all her tears off of her.

I smiled and she started to say her vows, "From that day you saved me I thought you only did it because you didn't want to see me die. I guess I was wrong. You helped me a lot threw the years. You helped me fight threw my depression and helped me find who I am. You're the one who loved me for over what three years with out telling me? Well to make it better. I love you so much more. I love you for forever and ever."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Teda that was their wedding. Hope you liked it. I have one more chapter left in this book. I love writing this book and I hope you like reading it. Love you guys. Stay safe. 💙💙

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