Sleeping At My House (Andrew's P.O.V)

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Andrew's P.O.V

Getting to a stoplight I looked at Mia's sleeping form. I can faintly hear a song that has kinda catchy toon.

Driving again I don't know where Mia lives so I decide to take her to my place. Turning the corner I drove in to my drive way and parked.

Seeing no other cars in the drive way they probably left already. My mom and dad mostlikly left to New York to see their company and how it's doing. They always leave me alone with Rose. Rose is my house keeper.

Getting out of my car I walked over to the other side of my car to get Mia. I opened the door of my car and lifted her up in my arms and shut the door behind me.

Walking up to my house I put the keys in the door and opened my house door.

Walking in the house I can smell something cooking.

Walking up the spiral stairs I get to my room and open the door. I took off Mia's shews and took the earplugs out of her ear. I lay her on my bed and cover her up. Finding a pen and a piece of paper I write down where the kitchen is.

Turning on Mia's phone I unlocked it by swiping the screen and going to her contacts. I look for her co contact named mom. I finely found it.

Pushing the call button and putting the phone up to my face.

The phone rung 5 times and someone answered the phone. Mia's mom started to talk, "Hey Mia I told you I'm not going to be home for a while and you," I cut her off before she can say anything els.

Walking out of my room I walked into the hallway, "I'm sorry Mrs. but I'm not Mia. I'm Andy Mia's friend. I was wondering if she could spend the night?"

"Oh yea that's perfectly fine Andy. I just need her back home by Saturday."

"Okay we will see you Sunday."

Hanging up the phone I walked back into my room and put her phone by her.

Getting back downstairs I follow the sent of meatloaf. Setting down I see Rose walking around and making dinner.

"Hey Rose."

"Hey Andy. I saw tha girl you carried in the house. She is very pretty."

"I know. And she's the girl Mia I've been telling you about."

"Oh yes, Mia. Your crush but your too scared to ask her out."

"Shut up. But she doesn't like me back. I bullied her and so did my ex. She still does. When I carried her in the house I could see the cuts she showed me the other night. I don't know what to do Rose."

"Yeas you finely broke up with Eli I hate her she was so rude to everyone and for your problem just ask her out for prom this year or Home comming. You guys could go together. You have what 11 weeks of school left then your off to collage. I can't belive your growing up so fast." Rose said as she pinched my cheeks."

"So anyway when is dinner going to be done?"

"In 5 minutes you might want to go wake up Mia."

"Okay I'll be right back."

I walked into the living room and up to my room. In my room I turned on the light and shook Mia. She didn't wake up. "Mia" I whispered. "Mia" I said more loudly.

Quitely she said "what?"

"Come on we need to go eat."
"Okay." she said getting out of my bed and stretching. She looks So beautiful.

I walked her down the stairs. I looked back at her and her face was in awe.

"What?" I asked.

"Your house is so big. Oh what are we having for dinner?" she asked not even caring how she got into my house and was sleeping in my bed. Like she done this a million times but haven't gotten over the fact that my house is so big.


"Uh I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian."

"Oh um I'll ask Rose if she could make you somethibg different."

"No its fine I just want to know do you have pancake batter and chocolate chips?"

"Yea I think so why?"

"I really like pancakes. I might want them tomorrow for lunch. Like me make the pancakes and take them to school yeaaaas."

"No you don't like pancakes you love them."

"Yea I love them more then my life." she said then giggled.

Chuckling we both walked in the kitchen. Rose starring at us. Giving me an eye saying she so like me. The she as in Mia not Rose she's like my mom.

"So you must be Mia." Rose said.

"Yea I am. So is it tru we are eating meat tonight?"

"Yes we are why dear?"

"I'm a vegetarian and I don't really eat meat. But I do eat eggs and milk prodects."

"All we have left is pancake mix and chocolate chips is that okay if I can make you up some chocolate chip pancakes?"


"Oh sure dear I'll cook you up some right now."

Mia got up and ran over to hug Rose. I can hear her saying thank you like a million times.

Rose got out the pancake mix and chocolate chips and started to cook them.

"How many do you want sweetie?" Rose asked Mia.

"Three please."

"Do you want to play truth or dare? While we wait?" I asked Mia.

"Sure. You go first."she said.

"Okay truth or dare?"


"I Dare you to go up to your crush and ask them out."

"I don't have a crush." she said " I did in tell he started to bully me." She said quietly.

I bet she didn't want me to hear her.

"Okay kids foods done." Rose said as she handed her food to Mia and I.


Finishing eating Mia and I put our dishes in the sink and going upstairs. I said goodnight to Rose.

"Hey do you want to play a drinking game?" I asked Mia.

"Uh I never drank before but sure why not."

"Okay let me go in my parents room and get everything we need. You can come if you want."

"I'm going with you."

Okay now it's the end of the chapter hope you like like book so far. ❤❤

Suicide Bridge ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora