special part. 3

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Around one year after their wedding.

Walking out of the bathroom I smile. I can't believe it. Walking down the stairs with the test in my hand I find Andy in the living room.

"Hey babe," I say hiding the test behind my back.

"Hey, what do you Have behind your back?"

"Oh nothing, but I have to talk to you about something."

"Sure what is it?"

"Are you ready for a baby?"

"Yea. You already know I want one. Why?" he asked.

"Well. Your wish is granted," I say while getting the test from my back.

"You're. Pregnant? Oh My God. I'm going to be a dad. You're going to be a mom. We are going to be parents, but I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to be a dad. IM GOING TO BE A DAD."

"Yea. We are going to be parents."


Teda. The book is finished. I hope you like the book and I can't believe that its at 1.5k reads. Thank you guys so much. I love you. I'm going to write the sequel to this book in around a week. I hope you will like it. But I can't believe it's over. I loved writing this book. I just can't think it's over. Love you guys, be safe and never drink And drive. Well do by text and drive either, or drive and talk on the phone. Or play a game on your phone while you're driving. And NEVER PLAY POKÉMON GO WHILE DRIVING.*I don't know how to spell it please don't hate me.* 💔❤😘

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