girls day

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After we got all of what we wanted Luke paid and we got all of our stuff and we headed to my house.

When we got to my house he parked in my drive way and we got out of the car. Luke grabbed all of the bags and we headed in the house. 

My mother was sitting in the living room watching Sponge Bob. Sometimes I swear she's a kid sometimes.

I walked into the living room with Luke behind me. I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

After I kissed her cheek I stood up. My Mom looked behind me to see Luke. Her face lit up like a firework.

She stood up and quickly ran to him. He dropped the bags and hugged her back.

"Oh Luke I haven't seen you in years. What are you doing here?"

"Oh me and Mia over here aware having a girls day."

"Awe that's nice. So how's your boyfriend, Felix is it?"

"Oh we've been Going strong. Me and him have been dating for over a year. Its almost what two years in three months."

"Wow I'm so happy for you two. Maybe you could bring him home sometime. And I'll let you go have the rest of th day with Mia. You can spend the night if you want to."

"Ya ill bring him over sometime and I can't spend the night Felix and I are going to go see 'Finding Dory' tonight."

"Okay I'll let you to go."

"Okay by mom I'll see you when we do finish watching a movie," I said.

"Okay sweetie. Go and have fun watching the movies in you room."

"Okay will do mom."

We walked up to my room and sat down on my bed. Luke put all of the food on my bed and we both got a bag of chips mine being plane and Luke's being pickle. 

We started to eat in quietness in tell Luke spoke up.

"So how do you feel about Andy?"

"I really like him but I don't know. He thinks me and you are a thing. I brought up how me and you dated but you found out you didn't like me because you are gay and... and I don't know."

"Awe sweetie it's okay all guys are jerks. It will be okay in the end."

An hour later me and Luke are cuddling on my bed watching Sponge Bob.

Luke looks at his phone then over at me and hugs me. "Hey I have to go it's mine and Felixs date night. I'll see you on Monday sweetie. Love you."

"I love you to Luke. I'll see you on Monday. Do you want me to walk you out?"

"If you want."

I got out of my bed and stretched out my muscles. 

"Okay you good?"  I asked

"Yea I'm good give me a hug and I'll see you on Monday. Love you so much," he said as he hugged me.

"Okay I'm going to bed I had a long day.  I'll see you on Monday and I'll help you with the coming out thing also. So you think we should do it when you guys have practice?"

"Yea we should do it during practice."

"Okay drive safe."

We hugged each other and he left. When Luke left I shut off my T.V and my light. I plugged in my phone to see it's 6:58. I covered up my body and placed my head on my pillow.

I closed my eyes to fall fast asleep.


Hey guys I finished the chapter I hope you like it. And hope you guys have a good 4th of July.❤❤

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