I am partners with who?!?!

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Walking back with Andrew wasn't that bad. Before we both left. He gave me a pice of paper and said to open it when I get home. H also said he would of gave the paper to me tomorrow but he had it in his suite pocket just incase he saw me when he was out with his mom and her friends.

The car ride to our house was quite and awkward. When we got back home we both got out of the car and walked up to our house. We both went into our house. I walked up to my room took off my dress and the rest of the makeup I still had on my face. I put down the piece of paper the Andrew gave me and decided to read it tomorrow.

I went into the bathroom and looked at my reflection.

"I look horrible." I said to myself.

I took out my contacts and walked back into my room turned off my light abd feel backwards on my bed. Falling asleep before my head even touched the pillow.

Waking up I changed my cloths into leggings and a old band T. Shirt. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

Putting my hair up in a ponytail I grabbed my phone and the note that Andrew gave me.

Getting to school the day was going to be boring. I had math then language. Next was lunch.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my sack lunch and headed outside to sit where I usually sit.

Walking outside no one was there. I guess everyone's eating in the lunchroom today like every other day.

Opning my lunch I took out my sandwich and started it eat it.

Half way threw eating my sandwich I herd the doors open and close. I remembered the note that Andrew gave me and I opened it.

Looking at the note I read it. It had one long paragraph and it said I know we never talk that much so I wrote you this. The number on reason to stay alive is because of your family. When you kill yourself what is your mom going to do? She has to have a funeral for her daughter and I bet she wants you to have a funeral for her first. So to conclude the number one reason to stay alive is because of your mother and other family members.

Smiling at the letter I put it back in my pocket. Feeling a person next to me I looked up to see Andrew.

"Yes Andrew?"

"Nothing I just wanted you to know I'm going to eat lunch with you."

"Lunch is over in 5 minutes dummy," I said giggling.

"Oh, I knew that."

"Sure you did."

"So can I sit with you?"


"What why?"

"Because your a popular person and I'm a nerd that everyone picks on so why would you even risk losing to be popular just to sit with me?" I took a breath " oh and also you have a girlfriend who is making my life a living hell."

"Okay but I'm trying tomorrow to sit with you," he said.

"Whatever Andrew."

"Oh did you read the thing?"

"Yea I did read the thing."

I herd the 1st bell ring so I grabbed the rest of my lunch and headed to cooking class.

Walking to my locker I put the rest of my lunch in my locker and walked to cooking class.

Walking in to cooking class I sat in my seat and put my head down and waited for the teacher.

A couple minutes later I herd Mrs. Brix's voice I put my head up and lisned on what we are doing today.

"Okay class we are going to be choosing partners for this years assiment. This assiment will be 75% of your grade," she took a breath in and started to talk again. "I will be choosing your partners. Well I did already choose your partners. So you will have the rest of semester to make a cake with your partner, but the cake needs to have at least 3 layers. I want the cake to have at least 3 colors and lastly each layer needs to be a different flavor. Oh and one more thing. It has to be a wedding cake."

I looked at Mrs. Brix in confusion. I can't bake but j can decorate cakes. I helped my mom bake and decorate cakes when I was little because we both always had a sweet tooth.

"Okay now time for partners.

Elena and Noah

Tomas and Paul

Courtney and Deigo

Pheebee and Joey

Chanler and Monica

Rachell and Ross

Patric and Eli

Larry and Michal

Markus and Jerrie

Jeff and Kim

Last but not least Mia and Andrew. "

Wait did she just say me and Andrew? What? When did he even have this class. Looking around I found Andrew 10 seats away from me. Andrew is looking at me and smiling at me.

Looking away and back at Mrs. Brix she starts talking again.

"Okay so now that we all hav partners I want you guys to meat up right now."

I picked up my bag and walked up to Andrew. I sat down next to him.

Mrs. Brix started to talk once again. "Now today I have bought everyone some chocolate cake mix some frosting food coloring and some frosting for piping and writing on the cake. You have and hour and a half to make a chocolate cake with something crazy or pretty on the cake. Now begin."

Looking at Andrew he looked at me back.

"Okay now your going to bake the cake and I'll do the frosting and everything els."

"Okay I can do that I've been baking since I was little. Lets do this thing, " he smiled. An actuall real smile.


So how do you like the book so far? I think I might make the book with about 30-40 chapters. I don't know yet. Anyway did you like the first reison she shouldn't die. I'll be updating soon I hope. I really like updating this book. So have a good day or night I guess❤❤

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