My answer

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*disclaimer in first chapter

"Malfoy my answer is yes. Let me join the death eaters and fight against the Order." I answered. He smirked and then walked over to me.

"Why should I let you? You're just a filthy mudblood. How do I know this isn't just some trick of the Order to get a spy in the Dark Lord's ranks?"

"I hate the Order. They killed my parents and they don't even feel remorseful. I was told by my so called friends that it was for the greater good. Believe me when I say that I have no love or loyalty left for the Order" I ranted and took a deep breath as I finished.

Malfoy looked happy after my little outburst. Well at least as happy as he could look.

Then out of no where he grabbed my arm and we apparated away.

When we landed we were outside of a beautiful manor which I could only guess as being the famous Malfoy Manor. It was a large stone building almost like a castle. It had ornate gates and what looked like a million rooms. On the outside from what I could see there was a beautiful garden, a personal quidditch pitch, and a forest surrounding it.

I heard him chuckle behind me. "We need to go in" I heard him say. He started walking toward the gates and I followed quickly behind him. When we got into the manor I gasped in aw. It was amazing.

In the entry hall there was a massive elegant chandelier. The room had smooth hardwood floors and black walls. On both sides of the room were staircases leading up to the higher floors.

Malfoy hearing my gasp smirked and turned to me. "I will have one of the house elves show you your room" he told me."BITSI!!" he yelled and a small elf popped into the room.

"Yes master " it squeaked.

I had long given up on S.P.E.W and I no longer cared what happened to the creatures. Things change. Even me.

"Take Miss Granger to one of the guest rooms" he told the elf.

"yes sir" the elf said before it lead me to the left staircase.

I was about to follow the elf when he called my name. "Miss Granger meet in the dining room at 6 exactly and dress appropriately for a proper meal" he told me. I nodded my head and was just about to leave when I heard him again. "And Miss Granger call me Lucius " he said. "Ok then call me Hermione" I replied. He smirked, nodded his head , and walked away.

I followed the elf up the staircase when we got to where we were going we stopped at a large wooden door. The elf told me it was my room then left.

I opened the doors and, for what felt like the millionth time that day, I gasped in awe of the room. It had sky blue walls with a white plush carpet. The bed was gigantic with plain white bedding that matched the carpet. In the corner there were 2 bookshelves and a comfy looking blue chair.

Through the door there was a connected bathroom. Which somehow had my favorite shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.

I went and sat on my bed and thought about everything that had happened that day. My parents were dead. The Order had killed them. I hated the Order. I left with everything I owned. And last of all I joined the death eaters.

I laid down on my cloud of a bed. I noticed how tired I was. So I closed my eyes and after a long day. I fell asleep to catch up on some much needed rest.

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