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After telling Ginny everything we had went to dinner and she had met everyone. At the beginning of the dinner Ginny had threatened to hex Draco until he couldn't stand, but Tonks confiscated her wand. Other than that dinner was uneventful.

I had gone to bed early because I was exhausted.

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt something cold and scaly on my leg. I jumped up and saw a gigantic snake.

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Blaise, Fred, George, Tonks, Ginny, and Draco ran in. Blaise and Fred, seeing the gigantic snake both hid. Blaise behind Ginny and Fred behind Tonks. Brace brothers I had.

A few seconds later the adults ran in. "We heard screaming" Lucius panted. "Big snake" I squeaked.

The dark lord swept into the room. He saw the snake and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhhh i think my snake may have gotten out" he said. I looked at him "get the big snake out of my bed please" I said.

He took the snake out of the room and went back to, actually I don't know where he goes. Slowly everybody left my room. I stood there alone. I really didn't want to sleep in my bed for obvious reasons. So I left my room. I opened to door to Tonks's room. She wasn't there. I shuddered when I realised where she was. Guess Fred's room was out.

I laid down in her bed and finally fell asleep with no scaly interruptions.
When I woke up I saw a toy snake taped to my door. There was writing next to it that said "don't scream". Looks like somebody's going to be hurt. I opened the door and grabbed my wand.

I remembered a spell that revealed who the last one to enter a room was. A name glowed brightly.

They were dead. I snuck into there room. I quickly put white hair dye in there shampoo. I charmed their shower head and sink faucet to only squit out freezing cold water. Finally I charmed their blankets to come flying off the bed at random times in the night. I snuck back out and went to breakfast.

I ate quietly and quickly. I was finished and walking down the hall way when I remembered what today was. It was the anniversary of my parents death.

I froze in the middle of the hallway. I was disgusted at myself. How could I forget? I ran to the study. They had a fireplace in there. I could floo out. I grabbed floo powder and threw it in. I yelled my desired address and stepped in.

I landed at my house. I hadn't been there in almost 2 years. I looked around it was a mess. I spent my time cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. When i was done it was spotless and it was 1 a.m. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER" i heard Lucius yell. Uh oh. He ran into the room and saw me.

"YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT TELLING ANYBODY. WE WERE ALL WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU" he yelled. "I'm sorry" I whispered. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "It's ok we were just worried about you. Why are you here" he asked.

"It's the anniversary of their death" I mumble. "Hermione I'm so sorry, I forgot" he says pulling me into a hug. I nod into his chest. "Hermione it's ok to cry you know" he says after a minute. "Deatheaters don't cry" I mutter. "Said who" he asks. "Bella" I answer.

He rolls his eyes "has anyone ever told you we don't take emotional advice from crazy people" he says. I laugh "I don't think they have" I say. "Well then I'm the first" he says. I go serious again "honestly I don't think they would want me to cry" I say truthfully. "I agree, if something were to happen to me I wouldn't want people grieving over me all the time" he says.

I glare at him "good thing nothings going to happen to you" I say. He laughs and nods. I look around one more time before stepping into the floo with Lucius and flooing back to the manor.
Oh my god we got to 10,000 read. I can't believe so many people have read my story. Thank you guys so much. I did a happy dance when i saw it. And i was standing by the monkey exhibit at the zoo. Anyway you guys are awesome and i love you so much:-)

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