It begins

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I was laid across the slytherin couch while talking to Draco. Well more like trying to calm him down. Ok here I'll explain what happened.

I had been refusing to torture innocent 1st years. That's just not something that I thought was right. Yes, I know I am a Deatheater but I can still have a heart. One day I stood up to Amycus and he got really mad.

"I refuse to hurt 11 year olds" I yelled at him during class. "Who gave you the right to disobey me little girl" he snaps at me. I smirk happily "I see you didn't get the news" I reply. "What news" he asks confused. I roll my eyes "I am a slytherin, I have two triplet brothers, the dark lord adopted me, I live with the Malfoy's, I'm dating Draco" I list off.

His face turns pale when I say that the dark lord adopted me. But then his face turns an angry red as he strides up the aisle. My face whips to the side with the force of the slap he lands across my face. "Liar" he sneers.

So naturally I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and head back to the Slytherin common room.

When I told Draco what happened he kind of went ballistic "HE HIT YOU" he roars. "Yes but I kicked him" I point out.   He looks like he wants to argue but he stops when the head girl walks into the room. "Snape wants everyone in the great hall" she announces before leaving. How Daphne Greengrass became head girl still amazes me. She's as dumb as a box of rocks.

We get into a line and head to the great hall. We all stand in a single file line. "Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogsmead" Snape announces. Whispers break out all around. "SILENCE" he commands. Everyone quiets down. "If anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts then it is law that you inform me" he drawls.

"Like you care traitor" I mutter under my breathe. I feel a slap hit me in the back of the head and I turn to glare at Ginny. She smiles innocently and I stick my tongue out at her.

I hear the whole hall gasp and I quickly turn. Harry Potter. He says something I can't hear and the doors swing open. The order walks in quite a few members smaller. I wonder why. Oh wait we took them for our own.

I flinch a little when Kingsley walks in. My grip on Draco's hand gets tighter. Harry looks around and his face falls when he sees Ginny. With us as a Slytherin. He must not of known. Poor him. Note the sarcasm.

When I zone back in I see Snape fly out the window in bat form and the rest of the school cheering. Which somehow resulted in us being locked into the dungeons. Stupid school. Filch locked us all into the dungeons. Just as he was about the leave the dungeon doors exploded and we were free.

The battle had begun.


Hey guys and if you couldn't tell already this story is coming to an end. I only have 2 more chapters left to write. I can't believe its almost over. Thank you guys for reading this story:-)

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